
Ireland launches of new code for antimicrobials use on poultry farms
A new Code of Good Practice for responsible use of antimicrobials on poultry farms has been launched by the Department of Agriculture. Developed collaboratively by farmers, veterinary practitioners and the iNAP animal health committee, the code will provide a reference point for the industry to improve flock health and reduce the use of antibiotics.  Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is the resistance of a micro-organism to a drug that was officially effective…
UK movement of untested BVD cattle to be banned
Cattle that have not been tested for Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) will be prohibited from moving to slaughterhouses from next month, DEARA confirmed. From 1 September, DEARA will take enforcement measures with fines of up to £5,000 against untested cattle moved in breach of the BVD Eradication Scheme Order (Northern Ireland) 2016 (the BVD Order). It is an offence to move an untested animal or to have possession of an…
Strong Angus Bull TOP lot of the day at Carnaross Mart – Lot 358, sold online for €2080.00 via LSL Auctions
Watch this video clip on – Good strong Angus bull was the TOP lot of the day at Carnaross Mart yesterday. This easy-claver in Lot 358, Sex: M – Breed: AAX – DOB: 16/04/2019 – Owners: 1 – Export: N – QA: N – TB: 06/03/2021 – BVD: 07/06/2019 – Days in Herd: 863 – Calf Registered: N, sold for €2080.00 online via LSL Auctions. Check out the rest of today’s action…
One of the most watched videos on LSL TV in the last few hours!
Watch this video clip on Take a look at this LMX, sold online at GVM Group Tullamore Mart for €1780.00 via Check out the rest of today’s action live and replay on-demand with the all new LSL TV App for Smart TVs, LG TV, Android TV and Apple TV platforms or
Raymond Potterton sells Valuable Property in Addinstown, Delvin, Co. Westmeath for €1,510,000.00 via LSL Auctions
Watch the full video at This afternoon, August 26, there was another auction offered by Raymond Potterton via LSL Auctions. The property located in ADDINSTOWN, DELVIN, CO. WESTMEATH N91VX08, c.111 Acres. Addinstown is a rare opportunity to purchase a well developed farm on some of the very best of land in County Westmeath. Located 5km Athboy, 6km Delvin, 1.5km off the N51 and 3km off the N52. We take…
Aberdeen Angus outfit selling at BALLINASLOE MART – Lot 325
Watch this video clip on One of the most replayed videos on LSL TV in the last 24 hours! Take a look at this Angus outfit, sold online at @Ballinasloe Cooperative Livestock Mart for €2020.00 via Check out the rest of today’s action live and replay on-demand with the all new LSL TV App for Smart TVs, LG TV, Android TV and Apple TV platforms or
UK prisoners could fill worker shortage in meat factories
The UK Government is considering plans to put more prisoners to work in meat factories to make up for the shortfall of workers. Meat industry representatives claim that many prisoners are suitable for employment in the food processing sector as prisons provide lessons on food safety in their employment training courses.  Meetings about solving the shortage of workers have already taken place between the Ministry of Justice and representatives from…
Hedge-cutting ban in force until 31 August
Farmers are being reminded that they face cross compliance penalties if they cut hedgerows before 31 August. Penalties can also be levied where a hedgerow is removed without an alternative hedgerow of the same length planted on-farm. Derogation farmers have to comply with the 2020 changes – leaving one thorn tree uncut in every 300m of hedge or have a hedgerow management regime which allows three years between cutting.  From…
UK Builders to buy ‘biodiversity credits’ from farmers
Developers can now buy biodiversity credits from farmers and landowners to offset the damage to wildlife from new building projects. Under Boris Johnson’s flagship Environment Bill, which sets out how the UK will manage the environment post-Brexit, developments in England are required to deliver net improvements to biodiversity. Farmers and landowners believe these are an excellent way to bring investment as they can see opportunities in the growing market for…
Sheep Mart – Price Roundup 25-08-2021
L2 20-30KG WED 25 AUG Avg Price/Kg2.63/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:, 28kg 2.90/kg 80.00, 27kg 2.89/kg 78.00, 28kg 2.88/kg 80.00, 23kg 2.65/kg 62.00, 30kg 2.55/kg 76.00, 21kg 2.49/kg 52.00 L2 30-40KG WED 25 AUG Avg Price/Kg2.59/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:, 38kg 3.68/kg 140.00, 30kg 3.54/kg 108.00, 37kg 3.37/kg 126.00, 36kg 3.08/kg 110.00, 39kg 3.05/kg 118.00, 33kg 3/kg 99.00 L2 40-50KG WED 25 AUG Avg Price/Kg2.73/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:, 46kg 3.80/kg 174.00, 44kg 3.68/kg 162.00, 41kg…
Cattle Mart – Price Roundup 25-08-2021
F COW 500-600KG WED 25 AUG Avg Price/KgFR 1.40/kgFRX 1.40/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:FR, 560kg 1.73/kg 970.00FRX, 545kg 1.71/kg 930.00FR, 540kg 1.67/kg 900.00FR, 595kg 1.63/kg 970.00FR, 590kg 1.56/kg 920.00FR, 590kg 1.54/kg 910.00 F COW 600-700KG WED 25 AUG Avg Price/KgAA 1.02/kgFR 1.22/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:FR, 605kg 1.69/kg 1020.00AA, 695kg 1.61/kg 1120.00FR, 610kg 1.61/kg 980.00AAX, 640kg 1.56/kg 1000.00FRX, 660kg 1.55/kg 1020.00FR, 600kg 1.48/kg 890.00 F COW 700-800KG WED 25 AUG Avg Price/KgAA 1.64/kgFR 1.43/kgHighest…
Balance of Ireland’s beef supply in farmers favour for price
Tight supplies and strong farmer resistance have maintained beef prices this week, according to IFA Livestock Committee chairman Brendan Golden. The IFA chairman revealed that with grass supplies good, cattle should only be moved as they become fit, as the supply-demand balance is very much in farmers’ favour. He said factories are paying €4.20/kg base price for steers this week, with up to €4.25/kg for heifers despite some lower quotes. Farmers…
Big interest in this Beltex, Lot 46, sold for €2060 – Tullamore via LSL Auctions.
Watch the full video clip on – Have a look this incredible Beltex sold last Friday in Tullamore via LSL Auctions About the animal: Breed: BELTEX, Lot 46, DOB: 02/2021 – Sold for €2060 .Check out the rest of today’s action live and replay on-demand with the all new LSL TV App for Smart TVs, LG TV, Android TV and Apple TV platforms or
Most viewed lot of the Monday on LSL TV. LMX in Lot 815 at Carrigallen Mart, sold for €2420
Watch this video clip on – The most viewed lot of the Monday on LSL TV was from Carrigallen Mart. Take a look at this LMX Cow in Lot 815: – DOB: 07/04/19 – Owners: 2 – Export: Y – QA: N – TB: 12/08/2021 – Days in Herd: 467. Sold online via LSL Auctions for €2420.00. Check out the rest of today’s action live and replay on-demand with the…
Heavy animal weighing 980kgs, Lot.836 in ManorHamilton Mart, sold for €2270 via LSL Auctions
Watch the full video on – This excelent Cow weighing 980 kgs., Breed CH, was sold today for the value of €2270 in ManorHamilton Mart via LSL Auctions. Check out some more information from this CH: DOB: 21/08/2015 – Owners: 1 – Export: N – TB: 12/03/2021 – BVD: 02/09/2015 – Days in Herd: 2194 – Calf Registered: Y. Check out the rest of today’s action live and replay on-demand with the all new LSL TV…
Cattle Mart – Price Roundup 23-08-2021
Monday’s selected Cattle mart price report: copyright LSL. COW 500-600KG MON 23 AUG Avg Price/KgAAX 1.84/kgFR 1.02/kgSIX 1.46/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:AAX, 560kg 2.09/kg 1170.00AAX, 595kg 1.98/kg 1180.00FR, 590kg 1.71/kg 1010.00FR, 590kg 1.51/kg 890.00SIX, 575kg 1.50/kg 860.00AAX, 550kg 1.45/kg 800.00 COW 600-700KG MON 23 AUG Avg Price/KgAUX 1.64/kgFR 1.20/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:AUX, 655kg 1.79/kg 1170.00AUX, 625kg 1.49/kg 930.00FR, 695kg 1.47/kg 1020.00LM, 605kg 1.37/kg 830.00HEX, 610kg 1.34/kg 820.00FR, 600kg 1.2/kg 720.00 COW 700-800KG MON…
Sheep Mart – Price Roundup 23-08-2021
Monday’s selected Sheep mart price report: copyright LSL. SHEEP 20-30KG MON 23 AUG Avg Price/KgSHEEP 2.70/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SHEEP, 29kg 3.05/kg 89.00SHEEP, 25kg 2.64/kg 66.00SHEEP, 25kg 2.4/kg 60.00 SHEEP 30-40KG MON 23 AUG Avg Price/KgSHEEP 2.46/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SHEEP, 35kg 2.74/kg 96.00SHEEP, 36kg 2.68/kg 95.00SHEEP, 38kg 2.66/kg 101.00SHEEP, 36kg 2.64/kg 96.00SHEEP, 40kg 2.63/kg 104.00SHEEP, 34kg 2.63/kg 89.00 SHEEP 40-50KG MON 23 AUG Avg Price/KgSHEEP 2.67/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SHEEP, 44kg 2.98/kg 131.00SHEEP, 47kg 2.85/kg…
3,600 farmers face penalty after missing BEAM reduction period 
More than 3,600 farmers are facing a penalty after missing the deadline under the Beef Exceptional Aid Measure (BEAM) scheme. Participants in the scheme had to reduce their bovine manure nitrogen (N) levels by five per cent (compared to an earlier reference period) within a one-year reduction period that ended on 30 June. However, due to the disruption caused by Covid-19 farmers were given the option to defer this reduction…
Fitbit-like monitors help dairy farmers cut milk carbon footprint
UK dairy farms are using Fitbit-like collars to monitor cow health and trialling “poo power” to fuel milk tankers in attempts to reduce their environmental impact. Farmer-owned co-operative Arla, has published a report looking at the carbon footprint of milk using independently assessed data. The study outlines measures farmers can and are taking, such as precision slurry-spreading techniques, using manure for energy, reducing the amount of protein in cow diets…
TOP selling lot at Midland & Western Livestock via LSL Auctions. Lot 63, sold for €3050.
Watch this video clip on – TOP selling lot at this weekend at Midland & Western Livestock. Have a look at this incredible Blue Texel in Lot 63: Sex: M – DOB: 11/02/2021 – Owners: 2. Sold for €3050. Replay the video clip on LSL TV. Check out the rest of today’s action live and replay on-demand with the all new LSL TV App for Smart TVs, LG TV, Android…
Big interest in this cow at Roscommon Mart. Sold online for €1850 via LSL Auctions
Watch this video clip on – Big interest in this cow selling at Roscommon Mart yesterday. Take a look at this mighty animal in Lot 99C: Sex: F – Breed: SIX – DOB: 12/02/2011 – Owners: 2 – Export: R – TB: 03/09/2020. Sold online for €1850.00 via LSL Auctions. Check out the rest of today’s action live and replay on-demand with the all new LSL TV App for…