
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 07/06/2022
Tuesday’s selected Sheep Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. LB 30-40KG Avg Price/Kg3.23/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:, 38kg 3.89/kg 148.00, 40kg 3.82/kg 151.00, 39kg 3.73/kg 147.00, 30kg 3.55/kg 107.00, 32kg 3.42/kg 110.00, 38kg 3.33/kg 127.00 LB 40-50KG Avg Price/Kg3.54/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:, 42kg 3.93/kg 167.00, 43kg 3.92/kg 170.00, 41kg 3.92/kg 162.00, 43kg 3.91/kg 168.00, 42kg 3.86/kg 164.00, 44kg 3.86/kg 168.00 LB 50-60KG Avg Price/Kg3.19/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:, 54kg 3.63/kg 196.00, 50kg 3.6/kg 180.00, 51kg…
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 31/01/2023
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 07/06/2022
Tuesday’s selected Cattle Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. B 300-400KG Avg Price/KgFRX 0.84/kgHEX 2.05/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LM, 345kg 2.90/kg 1000.00LMX, 360kg 2.56/kg 920.00HEX, 380kg 2.11/kg 800.00HEX, 345kg 2/kg 690.00AAX, 330kg 1.88/kg 620.00FRX, 380kg 1.68/kg 640.00 B 400-500KG Avg Price/KgAAX 2.09/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LMX, 400kg 3.22/kg 1290.00AAX, 470kg 2.64/kg 1240.00AAX, 460kg 2.48/kg 1140.00AAX, 490kg 1.16/kg 570.00 CW 300-400KG Avg Price/KgAAX 4.72/kgLMX 4.41/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LMX,AAX, 360kg 4.72/kg 1700.00AAX,LMX, 305kg 4.72/kg 1440.00LMX,SHX, 342kg 4.68/kg…
IGB Trials and Auction Curraheen Park 0904
Agriculture/Livestock News
Curraheen Park – Greyhound Racing Ireland Trial & Auction – 11/06
Curraheen Park Greyhound Stadium hosts a Greyhound Racing Ireland Trial & Auction via LSL Auctions on Saturday, 11 June, 2022 in Ring 1 at 8:30. See the catalogue: Here. Register to bid: Here. Note: If your mobile is not registered with Curraheen Park Greyhound Stadium, please call 061-448091 (Ireland) / 0035361448091 (U.K) to set you up for online bidding. LSL Auctions, LSL News
IFA sheep price
Agriculture/Livestock News
IFA sheep price update – cull ewes in demand
IFA Sheep committee chairman Kevin Comiskey said we are approaching the end of hogget supplies. Spring lamb numbers are increasing, but still remain below last year’s levels. He said hoggets are trading between €7.20/kg and €7.50/kg with factories still trying to buy spring lamb between €8.20/kg and €8.50/kg to 21/kg. Cull ewes are in very strong demand with top-end prices of €4.20/kg paid.  Comiskey said throughput in sheep factories to…
beef price update
Agriculture/Livestock News
Beef price update – cattle supplies are tight
On the release of the beef price update on 2 June, 2022, IFA National Livestock chairman Brendan Golden said supplies of cattle are extremely tight with throughput dropping over the last two weeks by 3,700 to 32,098. The kill to date has been very strong at 739,869, which is 81,619 head above last year’s levels with the increased figures for the year predicted by Bord Bia almost all through the…
slurry in
Agriculture/Livestock News
Silage in, slurry out, says Farmer Phil
In today’s video, Farmer Phil is “going tankering” as he begins the “silage in, slurry out” phase with the tanker. “It’s the last bit of tillage to be done on the maize ground so it’s ready for sowing, about six loads on five acres… The pressure is on to get it done,” he says. He tries out a new splash plate that Father Phil had already given the thumbs up.…
Think safety farm safety
Agriculture/Livestock News
“Think safety” when outdoors in the countryside this summer
In an attempt to help ensure a safe summer for all, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine with Special Responsibility for Farm Safety, Martin Heydon, has called on farmers and everyone visiting the countryside to “think safety” and be extra vigilant during the upcoming months. He said: “The Irish countryside is a wonderful resource on our doorsteps. It is great to see people enjoying…
food lost
Agriculture/Livestock News
Huge amount of food lost annually during farming and fishing production
A study commissioned by the Environmental Protection Agency has found that a staggering amount of food is lost every year through consumers, processors and food businesses. The farming and fishing production process accounts for a loss or wastage of 200,000 tonnes of food, with up to 40% of some vegetables being discarded before being sold to consumers. A calculation by researchers at Munster Technological University and UCD attributes a figure…
Young farmers
Agriculture/Livestock News
Younger generation of farmers called to participate in co-ops  
Young farmers have been urged to step forward and steer the evolution of the co-op sector. The call came from outgoing president of the Irish Co-operative Organisation Society (ICOS). Jerry Long made the comment in Portlaoise at the 127th ICOS AGM this week. He said: “We now need to see a next generation of farmers coming forward to lead the continuous evolution, sustainability and success of our sector in the…
show garden
Agriculture/Livestock News
Show garden designers win gold at Bord Bia Bloom
Andrew Christopher Dunne won the overall large show garden award for Hit Pause, The Caragh Nurseries Garden at this year’s Bord Bia Bloom. And Alan Rudden won best in category medium show garden for the Savills Urban Oasis Garden. That means they’ve each won four and seven gold medals respectively at this event. The gold-medal-winning show garden designers who are new to Bord Bia Bloom included Niall Deacon for his Eureka Garden sponsored by Solus Light Bulbs, Sean…
communications masterclass
Agriculture/Livestock News
What’s the story – communications masterclass
The world-leading Vista Milk Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Research Centre will host a communications masterclass at Devere Hall, Student Centre, College Rd, University College, Cork on 14 June, 2022 at 9.30am. Farmers can learn more about enhancing their storytelling and communication skills with a view to increasing publicity for their respective ventures that they want in the news. This will be an intensive day of training and networking. Journalists, PR specialists and communication experts…
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart – 06/02/2023
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 03/06/2022
Friday’s selected Sheep Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. SHEEP 30-40KG Avg Price/KgSHEEP 3.30/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SHEEP, 40kg 3.62/kg 143.00SHEEP, 32kg 3.29/kg 104.00SHEEP, 38kg 2.97/kg 113.00 SHEEP 40-50KG Avg Price/KgSHEEP 3.46/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SHEEP, 40kg 3.97/kg 160.00SHEEP, 43kg 3.80/kg 165.00SHEEP, 44kg 3.73/kg 164.00SHEEP, 40kg 3.7/kg 148.00SHEEP, 46kg 3.69/kg 168.00SHEEP, 44kg 3.68/kg 162.00 SHEEP 50-60KG Avg Price/KgSHEEP 3.25/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SHEEP, 51kg 3.56/kg 180.00SHEEP, 51kg 3.54/kg 180.00SHEEP, 51kg 3.54/kg 181.00SHEEP, 50kg 3.47/kg 175.00SHEEP, 55kg…
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 05/12/2022
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 03/06/2022
Friday’s selected Cattle Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. SC 500-600KG Avg Price/KgCHX 2.57/kgFR 2.07/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:CHX, 585kg 2.62/kg 1530.00CHX, 540kg 2.52/kg 1360.00HEX, 595kg 2.40/kg 1430.00FR, 515kg 2.12/kg 1090.00FR, 595kg 2.02/kg 1200.00 SC 600-700KG Avg Price/KgCHX 2.51/kgFR 2.09/kgLMX 2.59/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LMX, 655kg 3.31/kg 2170.00LMX, 695kg 3.11/kg 2160.00LMX, 670kg 2.84/kg 1900.00LMX, 660kg 2.73/kg 1800.00CHX, 685kg 2.63/kg 1800.00CHX, 675kg 2.59/kg 1750.00 SC 700-800KG Avg Price/KgBBX 2.63/kgCHX 2.94/kgLMX 2.75/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LMX, 770kg 3.06/kg…
Irish mushroom sector
Agriculture/Livestock News
Irish mushroom sector gets a welcome boost
The mushroom sector will soon benefit from funding made through the Brexit Adjustment Reserve (BAR). An amount of €210,000 has been confirmed, which is planned to go towards the promotion of Irish produce in the UK. Brexit has impacted the sector, resulting in reduced volumes and additional costs. The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine has commented that this has reduced the competitiveness and attractiveness of Irish mushrooms in…
Agriculture/Livestock News
Duckweed protein for use in livestock and aquaculture sectors
Duckweed has come under scrutiny for potential use as a protein source. Cultivated in shallow ponds, it thrives on nutrients from natural sources, as well as farm waste rich in nitrogen and phosphorus. Researchers are finding the plant especially interesting from an ecological perspective, as it can close the nutrient loop and help protect soils and waterways. It has been suggested that  it can also provide an exceptional crop with…
potato market
Agriculture/Livestock News
Potato market figures update – latest
The Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) says in its June 1 potato market report that demand is just about on par with 2019 levels before the pandemic hit. However, the start of the school holidays could negatively impact this. Liftings of the earliest varieties continue this week. But it will be a few weeks before the first lifting of queens takes place in the southeast. Stocks of premium-quality packing material are…
irish farmer
Agriculture/Livestock News
The Irish Farmer moves 60,000 litres of slurry
Tom Slattery, the Irish Farmer, is “cracking on” towards Sunday when he expects to complete “a torturous week” of spreading slurry on silage ground. His 140-acre family farm is in Dingle, in the heart of west Kerry, southwest Ireland. They also work 25 acres of rented land. Wednesday’s video showed him using the Valtra T172 to spread 60,000 litres of slurry just a week after baling. This job has to…
farm walk
Agriculture/Livestock News
Join a June organic farm walk with Teagasc
Register for a farm walk during Teagasc’s June series of organic farming demonstrations and learn more about organic production first-hand. Teagasc advisers, Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine representatives, the Organic Certification Bodies, and the farmers themselves will be available on the day. They will answer questions and give guidance to farmers and members of the public interested to see organic farming in practice, and keen to meet and…
Food prices
Agriculture/Livestock News
Food prices prompt a review of luxury spend
In light of the current economic climate, The Irish Farmers Association (IFA) in Wicklow has highlighted the fact that as farmers’ escalating costs drive up food prices, consumers may need to prioritise food costs over other luxury spend. Treasurer James Hill commented that, “Food supplies are suddenly being threatened as farm inputs escalate in price – a tripling of fertiliser price and a doubling of fuel and energy cost, and…
Farm to Fork
Agriculture/Livestock News
Farm to Fork policy must be revisited – EU
The EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Janusz Wojciechowski said the EU Farm to Fork policy will have to be revisited in light of food security concerns. The EU Commissioner was addressing the IFA National Council in the Irish Farm Centre this week. IFA President Tim Cullinan said Commissioner Wojciechowski committed to looking at how EU policy including the Farm to Fork can be adjusted to respond to the current food…
Irish chefs
Agriculture/Livestock News
Irish chefs demo top tips for healthy eating
Brian McDermott, the award-winning Irish chef, cookery book author and presenter, is back for his ninth Bord Bia Bloom event. See him at the Bord Bia Quality Kitchen Stage on Sunday, 5 June, 2022 at 10.30am and Monday, 6 June at 12.25pm. The ever-popular Bord Bia Quality Kitchen Stage returns to Bloom this June with a packed line-up of demonstrations from top Irish chefs. Over the five days of the festival, the…
Farmer Phil
Agriculture/Livestock News
Farmer Phil takes the wheel at silage event
Farmer Phil recently attended a Krone silage event day, where he was able to see all the kit working and drive a Fendt with a four-rotor rake. View the footage below. Farmer Phil’s family has farmed land in Co. Longford since 1938. His grandfather, Harry Stewart established the farm at age 19 with two horses, a cart, plough, and a bag of oat seed. Today, they farm more than 500…
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 05/12/2022
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 01/06/2022
Wednesday’s selected Cattle Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. DRYCOW-F 500-600KG Avg Price/KgAAX 2.35/kgHEX 2.32/kgLMX 2.26/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LMX, 565kg 2.53/kg 1430.00LMX, 570kg 2.53/kg 1440.00AAX, 500kg 2.4/kg 1200.00HEX, 500kg 2.38/kg 1190.00AAX, 550kg 2.35/kg 1290.00LMX, 535kg 2.30/kg 1230.00 DRYCOW-F 600-700KG Avg Price/KgLMX 2.63/kgSIX 2.65/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LMX, 670kg 2.99/kg 2000.00LMX, 605kg 2.94/kg 1780.00SIX, 655kg 2.82/kg 1850.00LMX, 630kg 2.73/kg 1720.00LMX, 635kg 2.57/kg 1630.00CH, 675kg 2.53/kg 1710.00 DRYCOW-F 700-800KG Avg Price/KgCHX 2.62/kgLMX 2.77/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LM,…
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 20/07/2022
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 01/06/2022
Wednesday’s selected Sheep Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. LB 30-40KG Avg Price/KgLB 3.61/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LB, 37kg 3.62/kg 134.00LB, 37kg 3.59/kg 133.00 LB 40-50KG Avg Price/KgLB 3.59/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LB, 46kg 3.91/kg 180.00LB, 45kg 3.87/kg 174.00LB, 45kg 3.87/kg 174.00LB, 42kg 3.86/kg 162.00LB, 41kg 3.85/kg 158.00LB, 41kg 3.85/kg 158.00 LB 50-60KG Avg Price/KgLB 3.16/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LB, 50kg 3.48/kg 174.00LB, 50kg 3.48/kg 174.00LB, 50kg 3.46/kg 173.00LB, 50kg 3.46/kg 173.00LB, 52kg 3.37/kg 175.00LB, 53kg…
CAP beneficiaries
Agriculture/Livestock News
CAP Beneficiaries Publication lists all the CAP beneficiaries
The total amount dispensed to CAP beneficiaries has been disclosed as €1.8bn. This was allocated to 129,000 beneficiaries. Details of the payments have been published by the Department of Agriculture, under an EU regulation that requires annual publication of beneficiaries’ names, counties and amounts they received. Stud farms, farmers, colleges, a concrete company and legal entities benefitted from payments under the Common Agriculture Policy last year. The published payment details…
pig price
Agriculture/Livestock News
IFA welcomes 8c/kg increase in pig price
The Irish pig price increased by 8c/kg this week across primary processing plants with farmers receiving quotes ranging from €1.78c/kg to €1.82 or from €1.84 to €1.88/kg.  The 8c/kg increase is a welcome move in the right direction for farmers, but much more is required as a matter of utmost urgency, the IFA says in its 30 May, 2022 report.  The IFA Pigs Committee together with the Poultry Committee held a…
Irish Agropreneur
Agriculture/Livestock News
Irish Agropreneur Series aims to support development of SFSCs
The Irish Agropreneur Series is the first of a programme of online interactive workshops established within the EU-funded project agroBRIDGES. Launched by Teagasc and MTU, the series aims to support the development of short food supply chains (SFSCs) across Europe. What’s more, it seeks to build bridges between producers and consumers and rebalance farmers’ market position by empowering them with knowledge about new business and marketing models based on SFSCs.…
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 06/12/2022
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 31/05/2022
Tuesday’s selected Cattle Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. M BULLOCK 300-400KG Avg Price/KgAAX 2.61/kgFR 1.89/kgFR,FRX 1.99/kgFRX 1.96/kgFRX,FR 1.99/kgHEX 2.68/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:CHX, 327kg 3.30/kg 1080.00HEX, 320kg 2.88/kg 920.00AAX, 330kg 2.73/kg 900.00AAX, 308kg 2.73/kg 840.00HEX, 360kg 2.58/kg 930.00HEX, 380kg 2.58/kg 980.00 M BULLOCK 400-500KG Avg Price/KgAAX 2.59/kgFR 2.02/kgFRX 2.08/kgJEX 1.82/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:AAX, 470kg 2.81/kg 1320.00LMX, 430kg 2.51/kg 1080.00CHX, 415kg 2.48/kg 1030.00AAX, 485kg 2.37/kg 1150.00SIX, 497kg 2.31/kg 1150.00FRX, 497kg 2.27/kg 1130.00 M…
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 16/09/2022
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 31/05/2022
Tuesday’s selected Sheep Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. LB 30-40KG Avg Price/Kg3.49/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:, 39kg 4.01/kg 157.00, 40kg 3.96/kg 157.00, 39kg 3.96/kg 153.00, 40kg 3.90/kg 155.00, 39kg 3.89/kg 150.00, 39kg 3.81/kg 147.00 LB 40-50KG Avg Price/Kg3.67/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:, 42kg 3.98/kg 167.00, 43kg 3.95/kg 170.00, 41kg 3.95/kg 161.00, 47kg 3.94/kg 187.00, 43kg 3.92/kg 169.00, 40kg 3.92/kg 158.00 LB 50-60KG Avg Price/Kg3.13/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:, 51kg 3.40/kg 172.00, 51kg 3.40/kg 174.00, 51kg…
Anti-meat campaign
Agriculture/Livestock News
Anti-meat campaign may affect livestock farmer’s subsidies
An anti-meat campaign, themed ‘a world without slaughterhouses’, is pushing for a reduction in subsidies for livestock farmers. The initiative has been green lighted by the the European Commission, who has agreed to register the campaign, which is designed to pull funding from livestock farmers. The venture needs one million signatures gathered across at least seven member states to be successful. If the target is met, the Commission will be…