The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has released new estimated inflation rates to June 2022. These show lower income households experienced inflation rates of up to 10.3% compared to 8.2% for highest income households.
Compared with the annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation figure of 9.1% in June 2022, a new breakdown by the CSO estimates that households with the lowest incomes experienced higher inflation, up to 10.3%, while those in the highest income category had annual estimated inflation of 8.2%.
- Households paying a mortgage had estimated annual inflation of 8.4% while for households that own their home outright, inflation was estimated to be 9.3%.
- Households that rent their home from a private owner had an estimated inflation rate of 9.4%, versus 9.9% for those renting from a local authority.
- Compared with the June 2022 CPI figure of 9.1%, the annual inflation rate was 8.8% for urban households and 9.7% for rural households.
- Households where the household reference person is aged under 35 had estimated inflation of 8.8% and, where the reference person is aged 65 or over, annual inflation was estimated to be 9.8%.
- Higher than average inflation was calculated for households of one adult (10.2%), one adult with children (9.8%), or two adults without children (9.2%).