Agriculture/Livestock News

Gortatlea Mart’s Grand Clearance Sale of Spring Calving Cows

On the 29th of November, a remarkable event is set to unfold at Gortatlea Mart, drawing the attention of farmers and agricultural enthusiasts alike. The mart, known for its robust livestock trade, is hosting a full clearance sale of 110 spring calving cows, an event that marks a significant occasion in the agricultural calendar.

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This isn’t just any herd up for sale. What makes this event particularly noteworthy is that the cows are part of a fully milk-recorded herd. This detail is crucial for potential buyers, as it assures the quality and productivity of the livestock. Milk recording, a process that monitors milk yield and quality, offers invaluable data, aiding farmers in making informed breeding and management decisions. Thus, the sale presents a rare opportunity to acquire cows with a known and proven track record.

The sale is scheduled to commence at 11am, providing ample time for buyers to peruse the cattle on offer. What adds to the convenience is the availability of a catalog towards the end of the week. Interested parties can access this crucial piece of information via email or WhatsApp, allowing them to prepare and plan their potential purchases in advance.

In keeping with the modern era and the increasing reliance on digital platforms, all sales will be conducted online through LSL Auctions. This online approach not only broadens the reach of the sale to a wider audience but also ensures a smooth and efficient bidding process. It’s a nod to the evolving landscape of livestock trading, where convenience and accessibility are paramount.

For those seeking more information or wishing to clarify any details regarding the sale, Gortatlea Mart has made it easy to get in touch. Maurice, a key figure in this event, is available for contact, as is the office. Their readiness to assist and provide information underscores the mart’s commitment to customer service and transparency.

This clearance sale at Gortatlea Mart is more than just a transaction of livestock. It represents the dynamic nature of agricultural trade, the importance of quality assurance in livestock, and the evolving methods of conducting business in the farming sector. As the date approaches, the anticipation builds, not just for the buyers and sellers, but for the entire agricultural community that watches these events as indicators of market trends and opportunities.

For those interested in participating or learning more, reaching out to Maurice or the office at Gortatlea Mart is the first step towards being a part of this significant agricultural event.

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