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Lot 3, Lissaquill, Tang, Co. Westmeath – An Exceptional Opportunity at LSL Auctions – Fri 21/07/2023

Lot 3: Entire c.127-acre former dairy farm at Lissaquill, Tang, Co. Westmeath.
Located off the N55 between Athlone and Ballymahon the extensive undulating grass farm is at two sides of a country road 3km south of the village of Tang, 7km south of Ballymahon and 18km northeast of Athlone.

The farm is being sold without the residence but includes a substantial yard with accommodation for 130 cattle along with c.103 acres of grazing ground and 23.74 acres of mixed forestry with premiums remaining. The grassland is laid out in a series of large fields at either side of a country road and includes a mix of elevated meadows and some low-lying ground that is well drained. The fields are divided by traditional hedgerow and the farm is dotted with some fine stands of trees providing plenty of shelter. The land has generous amounts of road frontage, is serviced by an internal roadway and all the fields are watered. The bulk of the land, 79 acres of grazing and 16 acres of forestry, is located around the farmyard while across the road is a 25.26-acre parcel of grassland and a small 6.74ac forestry plantation. The yard is made up of an extensive range of sheds including a A-roof four column, steel frame sheds with a central passage and slatted accommodation at either side and older four column enclosed haybarn with cubicles and lean-tos at either. There are two free standing lean-to type sheds on an open four-bay building suitable for machinery or fodder storage and the other is an older shed with four individual compartments with steel doors. There is also a feed-bin, a walled silage slab and cattle handling facilities. The holding was once home to a dairy operation that could be revived with some additions to the infrastructure. As it stands, it has everything needed for a fine beef or sheep enterprise.

The holding was once home to a dairy operation that could be revived with some additions to the infrastructure. As it stands, it has everything needed for a fine beef or sheep enterprise.

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