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New national guidelines for development plans

development plans

Peter Burke, the Minister of State with responsibility for Local Government and Planning, recently issued new national guidelines for the preparation of local authority development plans. The revised guidelines aim to ensure development plans take into account the forecasted amount of housing in an area and that sufficient new homes can be built in key areas of housing demand. Development plans outline where housing, infrastructure and services should be located over a six-year period.

‘Development Plans – Guidelines for Planning Authorities’ is intended as the ‘go-to’ reference manual for all those who may be involved in the often complex process of producing a county or city development plan. While principally aimed at local authority planners and councillors, they will also assist citizens and those involved in the development sector.

Welcoming the new guidelines, revised for the first time since 2007, Minister Burke said: “These revised planning guidelines will help planners, local elected representatives, the public and the development sector to develop the best possible plan for their area. It will also help ensure adequate provision is made for housing, particularly in areas of high demand. This is crucial at a time of such acute need.”

He added: “Planning and the development plan can be made much more effective if the process is understood by the public through open communication that is accessible to the maximum number of people. To this end, my department has included many infographics as well as relevant case studies of good practices from around the country. I believe this will enhance the understanding of the Guidelines and ensure their effective implementation by planning authorities.”

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