
IFA disputes private storage aid in pig sector 

The European Commission is set to propose the rollout of a private storage aid package for the stricken pig farming sector. The proposal includes measures to ease market pressure and provide funding. Due to Ukraine’s influence in the pig farming market the current status there has dire impacting factors on the current state of the market. But the move has not been welcomed as Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) Ulster/north Leinster regional chair Frank Brady says it would be an absolute disaster for the pig sector. According to Brady the only winner from such an arrangement would be the people storing the pork who would stand to make money in the coming months when prices improve. 

Brady says that the EU “should be looking at mechanisms to support the market that has collapsed”. Despite saying that the matter will correct itself in a couple of months, he adds that farmers require assistance in order to be able to feed their pigs which is through direct support from the government. The IFA regional chair said that pig farmers are currently living “hour-to-hour” wondering where they are going to get the next load of feed for their animals.  

Meanwhile Brady says that they appreciate that the Minister had given them €7 million however adds that it is only the tip of the iceberg as they require €120 million.  

LSL News.
