LSL News

Bird flu confinement to be lifted this week, says DAFM 
The legal requirement to confine and house poultry and other birds as a precautionary measure against avian influenza (bird flu) will be lifted on Friday 29 April, according to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM). On 22 November the legislation regarding the confinement of birds was introduced to mitigate the risk of bird flu in poultry.   According to the department the decision to withdraw the requirement…
Over 1.6 million calf registrations recorded 
The Irish Cattle Breeding Federation (ICBF) says that calf registrations have reached 1,601,637 head for the year to date. The data compiled from information gathered from the week ending 22 April, shows that 67,793 calves were registered on farms in the seven previous days. This is a 19,627 head decline compared to the same week in 2021. According to ICBF, overall calf registrations are behind those from 2021 by a total…
Future of forests submission deadline announced
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) has announced the closing date for submissions on the future of forests in Ireland, is set for 27 April, 2022. The DAFM has taken to Twitter to issue a reminder of the approaching deadline saying, “have your say on our public consultation survey on the future of forests in Ireland to help shape a new shared vision and develop a new…
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 17/12/2022
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 25/04/2022
Monday’s selected Sheep Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. LB 30-40KG Avg Price/KgLB 2.89/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LB, 35kg 3.54/kg 124.00LB, 39kg 3.49/kg 136.00LB, 33kg 2.55/kg 84.00LB, 35kg 2/kg 70.00 LB 40-50KG Avg Price/KgLB 3.65/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LB, 43kg 3.81/kg 164.00LB, 43kg 3.81/kg 164.00LB, 43kg 3.81/kg 164.00LB, 43kg 3.79/kg 163.00LB, 42kg 3.79/kg 159.00LB, 44kg 3.77/kg 166.00 LB 50-60KG Avg Price/KgLB 3.06/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LB, 50kg 3.28/kg 164.00LB, 53kg 3.19/kg 169.00LB, 50kg 3.18/kg 159.00LB, 51kg…
Agri-food SMEs need more support, according to report 
A report conducted by EIT Food North West has recommended the establishment of an inclusive regional network for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the agri-food sector. The report was based on the insights from 100 agri-food SMEs. EIT Food is supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, a body of the EU which has been tasked with driving innovation and entrepreneurship across Europe.   The report additionally…
DAFM announces €32 million funding for coastal projects 
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) has announced €32.7 million in funding for 110 coastal projects in Ireland. The scheme arose from a recommendation of the Seafood Taskforce which was set up in March 2021. It was set-up to look at the impacts of Brexit on the fishing sector and coastal communities. Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Charlie McConalogue says that the department is administering…
Animal health service
Animal health service needs more farmer involvement
More farmers should be encouraged to participate in The Parasite Control Targeted Advisory Service on Animal Health (TASAH), which is considered to be an important initiative. IFA Animal Health Chairman TJ Maher says more could be done to encourage farmers to get involved. The TASAH is open to all cattle and sheep farms, and includes a veterinary farm visit and two faecal egg counts. Funding is available for up to…
Decline in suckler cow numbers, says DAFM 
The Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine (DAFM) says that there has been a decline in suckler cow numbers with the figure at 142,000 in Ireland compared to the same period five years ago. The figures were part of data released by DAFM. The department figures show that a total of 863,882 beef-sired (suckler) cows were in the country on 1 February 2022, whereas the number stood at 1,006,179…
37% increase in UK sheepmeat export in February
UK sheepmeat export volumes totalled 6,300t in February, making this a 37% increase compared to the same month in 2021. According to the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) this sheepmeat export volume is similar to pre-pandemic and pre-Brexit levels, with the EU remaining the main destination. Imports of fresh and frozen sheepmeat saw a substantial increase year-on-year by 66% during the month of February to 4700t.   AHDB’s Rebecca…
Bovine TB reactors
Bovine TB reactors decrease over one year period
Statistics released by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) show that bovine tuberculosis (TB) reactors in Ireland dropped from 22,614 in 2020 to 20,931 last year. Figures indicate that the herd incidence rate in the state fell from 4.38% to 4.33% in 2021. The highest was recorded in west Co. Wicklow at 18.11%, while in the east of the county, it was 8.34%. North Co. Cork followed…
Pig farming
Support for the pig sector “a long way off the mark”, says IFA
It appears that support packages for the pig sector will only cover losses for April and May 2022. The Irish Farmers’ Association has asserted that it is “disappointed” with the lack of understanding” of the severity of the current situation. According to IFA pig committee vice-chairman William Murphy, the IFA went to Government looking for an aid package to support farmers for the year, and what has been put on…
Coillte new forests in Ireland
Timber home industry could benefit from Coillte’s new forest plan
A plan to grow 100,000 hectares of new forests in Ireland by 2050 aims to support the delivery of one-third of the country’s afforestation target, and create a carbon sink of 18 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2). The scheme was unveiled by Coillte, a commercial forestry business responsible for the management of 440,000 hectares of Ireland’s forests, which represents 7% of the country. Bernie Gray, Coillte chairwoman, shared that…
Drystock farmers not experiencing delivery issues
Drystock farmers are not having difficulty getting fertiliser delivered, this was revealed after a survey was conducted on the matter at the start of April. The topic formed part of discussions at the third meeting of the National Fodder and Food Security Committee held earlier this week. According to the survey 61% of drystock farmers have confirmed that they have not experienced any disruptions in having their fertiliser delivered.  …
Significant losses reported in pig farming sector
There have been significant losses in the pig farming sector, with the average 600-sow pig unit losing €206,000 since the start of 2022, according to Teagasc. This comes as the National Fodder and Food Security Committee held its third meeting earlier this week. According to Teagasc, the average producer is down by a further €58,000 in the past month. The authority estimates that the Irish pig sector has lost €54.2…
Axa launches initiative to develop green spaces 
A €1 million initiative has been launched by Axa Insurance that will see local communities developing and enhancing green spaces in towns and villages. The new environmental grants programme known as Axa Parks aims to support local community projects. The company says the initiative demonstrates “real commitment to improved outcomes for environment and our communities’ wellbeing”.   The fund will support projects, both large and small, with grants ranging from…
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 16/02/2023
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 22/04/2022
Friday’s selected Cattle Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. CO 300-400KG Avg Price/KgFR 1.42/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:FR, 390kg 1.51/kg 590.00FR, 380kg 1.42/kg 540.00FR, 375kg 1.33/kg 500.00 CO 400-500KG Avg Price/KgFR 1.53/kgFRX 1.61/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:FR, 475kg 2.21/kg 1050.00CHX, 475kg 2.11/kg 1000.00FR, 480kg 2/kg 960.00SPX, 475kg 1.85/kg 880.00FRX, 460kg 1.85/kg 850.00FR, 490kg 1.80/kg 880.00 CO 500-600KG Avg Price/KgAAX 1.76/kgFR 1.67/kgFRX 1.69/kgLMX 2.35/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LMX, 515kg 2.50/kg 1290.00SIX, 565kg 2.21/kg 1250.00LMX, 590kg 2.20/kg 1300.00FRX,…
Let’s Talk Equine webinar
Let’s Talk Equine webinars
Let’s Talk Equine are a series of monthly equine webinars presented by Teagasc on the first Tuesday of the month at 8.30pm. The sessions offer an opportunity to hear from industry professionals discussing topics of relevance to horse breeders. Make sure to join at 8.30pm for what is hoped to be interesting discussion with a sharing of relevant information to inform decision making on your own farm. The webinars are broadcast using zoom,…
Land values increase by 3.2%, according to new data 
Data released by Sherry Fitzgerald has indicated that agricultural land values in Ireland continue to grow steadily with national values rising by 3.2%. According to its Agricultural Land Barometer the average price of an acre of farmland is approximately €10,050. The company says that in a 12-month period values have increased 8.4% nationally, with this being the strongest growth recorded over a 12-month period since the land barometer began in 2013.…
Decline in sheep kill figures, says DAFM
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) has released the latest sheep kill figures which indicate that there has been a decrease in the number of hoggets slaughtered this week, with the number at 48,683 head. This is a decline of 6,404 head from the previous week. However, ewe and ram throughput saw an increase of 564 from the previous week, totalling 4,195 head. Weekly throughput had been…
Building materials giant CRH
Demand remains favourable for building materials firm CRH
The first three months of 2022 have seen group sales for building materials firm CRH rise 15% compared to those of last year. This is despite the challenges over the last period. The Irish company released the results in their last trading update, indicating that sales were up 13% on a like-for-like basis, with earnings and margin expected to be up on the same period in 2021. CRH’s building products…
Outlook for sheep farming sector remains positive
Despite rising input costs, a recent survey conducted as part of Ifac’s Irish Farm Report 2022 has revealed that half of sheep farmers have a positive outlook for the sheep farming sector. According to the data from the farming accountancy group, 2021 appeared to be an excellent year. In 2021, average sheep prices reached €6.67/kg, a 27% increase from 2020. At the same time, throughput decreased by 4% in 2021…
EU’s lack of response to fertiliser alternatives questioned
Questions have been raised regarding whether the European Commission is doing anything to look at sources of fertiliser alternatives. Irish MEP Colm Markey raised concerns on the matter while speaking during a meeting in Europe earlier this week, where members of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) addressed the European Parliament’s Committee on Agriculture.   The Fine Gael MEP asked the following question, “it’s…
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart – 20/02/2023
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 21/04/2022
Thursday’s selected Sheep Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. SH 30-40KG Avg Price/KgSH 3.22/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SH, 37kg 3.38/kg 125.00SH, 37kg 3.22/kg 119.00SH, 30kg 3.07/kg 92.00 SH 40-50KG Avg Price/KgSH 3.42/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SH, 46kg 3.72/kg 171.00SH, 42kg 3.71/kg 156.00SH, 43kg 3.67/kg 158.00SH, 46kg 3.67/kg 169.00SH, 47kg 3.32/kg 156.00SH, 44kg 3.32/kg 146.00 SH 50-60KG Avg Price/KgSH 3.01/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SH, 50kg 3.5/kg 175.00SH, 52kg 3.19/kg 166.00SH, 50kg 3.18/kg 159.00SH, 52kg 2.98/kg 155.00SH, 56kg…
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 01/02/2023
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 21/04/2022
Thursday’s selected Cattle Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. HEIFER 300-400KG Avg Price/KgBBX 2.91/kgCHX 2.29/kgLM 2.87/kgLMX 2.64/kgPTX 2.59/kgSIM 2.07/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:BBX, 312kg 3.46/kg 1080.00BBX, 360kg 3.36/kg 1210.00BBX, 382kg 3.17/kg 1210.00BBX, 392kg 3.16/kg 1240.00BBX, 336kg 2.98/kg 1000.00LM, 334kg 2.93/kg 980.00 HEIFER 400-500KG Avg Price/KgBA 3.01/kgBBX 3.24/kgCHX 2.46/kgLM 2.82/kgLMX 2.84/kgLMX,PTX 2.70/kgPTX 2.70/kgSIM 2.48/kgSIX 2.72/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:BBX, 434kg 3.73/kg 1620.00BB, 488kg 3.59/kg 1750.00BBX, 488kg 3.26/kg 1590.00BBX, 446kg 3.25/kg 1450.00LMX, 478kg 3.14/kg 1500.00BA, 424kg…
Quality of silage more important, says Teagasc 
Teagasc says that it should be ‘quality over quantity’ when it comes to making silage this year. This comes as a discussion on silage making was held on the farm of PJ Finnerty in Co. Roscommon. The focus of the discussion was quality over quantity. Some farmers are focusing on bulk over the quality of silage, as it appears to be their aim in order to provide enough fodder next winter.…
Dairy farmers positive about sector, report reveals
Ifac’s 2022 Irish Farm Report has revealed that 77% of dairy farmers have a positive outlook for the dairy sector, as overall dairy production increased by 6% in 2021. The net margins for dairy production additionally rose by 15.1c/L. The report entitled ‘Innovators – farmers embracing change’, contains Ifac’s fourth annual Irish farm survey.   The report also shows that milk prices were up 16% on the previous year, while…
ICSA beef
ICSA beef chair calls for €6/kg
ICSA beef chair Edmund Graham has commented that if beef farmers in Germany are achieving €6/kg for beef, there is no reason for Irish farmers not to get the same. “ICSA has been warning for months that beef prices must hit the €6/kg mark if farmers are to have any hope of coping with seriously inflated input costs. €5/kg is no cause for celebration when it doesn’t cover your cost…
high fertiliser prices
“All tools” need to be made available to alleviate high fertiliser prices
Ireland Midlands-Northwest MEP Chris MacManus told representatives from the Directorate General for Agriculture (DG AGRI) of the European Commission that Irish farms are in a desperate situation owing to high fertiliser prices. He made the statement at a meeting of the European Parliament’s Committee on Agriculture this week. MacManus later said that, “Irish farmers have been watching the fertiliser markets for the last 12 months, waiting for a time to…