LSL Select Price Report – 28/03/2025
Friday selected Cattle and Sheep Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. CATTLE : Avg Price/Kg:5.022/Kg Highest Price/Kg Lots: CA540KG€36006.67/kgCO770KG€33004.29/kgCO795KG€32604.1kgCA520KG€32506.25/kgCO715KG€32404.53/kg SHEEP: Avg Price/Kg:6.33/Kg Highest Price/Kg Lots: LA29.5KG€176.55.98/kgLA32.5KG€1755.38/kgLA26.5KG€1746.57/kgLA24KG€161.56.73/kgLA23.7KG€1606.75/kg To see more samples of Cattle and Sheep Market Prices, visit: Don’t miss out on the latest news and updates from LSL Auctions! Sign up now to get exclusive access to our Facebook page. Want to stay up-to-date with all the latest news…