calving season

bull fertility ireland
10 Tips to ensure bull fertility in breeding season
As calving season on many farms is nearing an end, breeding season is almost here. According to Teagasc, calving season 2023 will depend on when you start breeding season in the coming weeks, and with four out of every five calves born on beef farms sired by a stock bull, a stock bull’s fertility is very important. Beef Specialist Catherine Egan explains that the stock bull on your farm is…
Calving season
HSA launches calving safety inspection campaign
The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) has urged farmers to plan ahead and put safety measures in place during this calving season. The body advises that there must be enough space and shelter for the number, size and class of cattle. Senior inspector Pat Griffin says that, “Cows and, in particular, heifers, can be unpredictable before, during or after calving and may become aggressive,” he said. The safety watchdog recommends…