
Agriculture/Livestock News
DairyBeef500 launched to focus on dairy beef production
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Charlie McConalogue TD recently launched a new programme – DairyBeef500 – focused on dairy beef production. The event took place on the O’Hanrahan family farm near Thomastown in County Kilkenny. Peter farms in partnership with his father, Thomas, and runs Friesian and early maturing steers in a calf-to-beef system. Dairy calf-to-beef demonstration farms have been selected throughout the country to illustrate key…
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 27/01/2023
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 24/06/2022
Friday’s selected Cattle Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. SC 500-600KG Highest Price/Kg Lots:SAX, 580kg 2.69/kg 1560.00LMX, 575kg 2.54/kg 1460.00SI, 590kg 1.69/kg 1000.00 SC 600-700KG Avg Price/KgAAX 2.19/kgCHX 2.44/kgLMX 2.70/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LMX, 665kg 2.83/kg 1880.00LMX, 650kg 2.72/kg 1770.00LMX, 620kg 2.63/kg 1630.00LMX, 640kg 2.62/kg 1680.00SIX, 685kg 2.61/kg 1790.00CHX, 620kg 2.5/kg 1550.00 SC 700-800KG Avg Price/KgCHX 2.59/kgLMX 2.92/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LMX, 715kg 3.16/kg 2260.00LMX, 770kg 3.09/kg 2380.00CHX, 760kg 2.93/kg 2230.00CHX, 740kg 2.92/kg 2160.00CHX,…
Agriculture/Livestock News
Photograph beef farming moments and win!
Capture what makes beef farming great and share your photograph to win with Teagasc. We know Irish beef farmers are passionate about what they do and we want to celebrate their hard work by giving away some prizes! The ‘This is Beef Farming’ photo competition aims to highlight the multiple things that make Irish beef farming great! Entries could feature the importance of family on the farm and the dedication…
ploughing championships
Agriculture/Livestock News
IFA partners with Euronit for National Ploughing Championships
The Irish Farmer’s Association (IFA) will partner with Euronit again for this year’s National Ploughing Championships in Ratheniska, Co. Laois in September, 2022. Euronit, formerly known as Tegral, has been at the heart of agriculture and farms across Ireland since 1936. They look forward to presenting their new look and having the opportunity to connect again with farmers, fabricators and co-ops from across Ireland. Tegral as a company has been…
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 12/09/2022
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 23/06/2022
Thursday’s selected Cattle Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. DC 400-500KG Avg Price/KgAAX 2.03/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:HEX, 460kg 2.07/kg 950.00AAX, 480kg 2.04/kg 980.00AAX, 490kg 2.02/kg 990.00 DC 500-600KG Avg Price/KgAAX 1.94/kgFR 2.13/kgFRX 2.50/kgHEX 1.90/kgSIX 1.38/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:FR, 515kg 3.79/kg 1950.00FRX, 585kg 2.91/kg 1700.00SIX, 560kg 2.32/kg 1300.00FR, 585kg 2.19/kg 1280.00CHX, 580kg 2.16/kg 1250.00FRX, 570kg 2.09/kg 1190.00 DC 600-700KG Avg Price/KgCHX 2.17/kgDC 2.29/kgFR 1.80/kgFRX 1.97/kgHEX 2.06/kgLMX 2.41/kgSIX 2.22/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LMX, 670kg 2.61/kg 1750.00SIX,…
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 20/07/2022
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 23/06/2022
Thursday’s selected Sheep Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. SHEEP 20-30KG Avg Price/KgSHEEP 2.21/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SHEEP, 29kg 3.17/kg 92.00SHEEP, 29kg 3.10/kg 90.00SHEEP, 28kg 0.36/kg 10.00 SHEEP 30-40KG Avg Price/KgSHEEP 3.00/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SHEEP, 37kg 3.68/kg 136.00SHEEP, 39kg 3.55/kg 139.00SHEEP, 38kg 3.5/kg 133.00SHEEP, 38kg 3.5/kg 133.00SHEEP, 37kg 3.37/kg 126.00SHEEP, 30kg 3.33/kg 100.00 SHEEP 40-50KG Avg Price/KgSHEEP 3.09/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SHEEP, 44kg 3.54/kg 157.00SHEEP, 40kg 3.52/kg 141.00SHEEP, 46kg 3.52/kg 162.00SHEEP, 44kg 3.45/kg 152.00SHEEP, 44kg…
Agriculture/Livestock News
Earthworms contribute to crop disease biocontrol
With the move towards less-intensive cultivation practices, some have asked whether it’s time to revisit the guidance and look at disease management from a different angle. A research team from SRUC and The University of Nottingham has studied whether dragging blades through soil is good for earthworms, which may have implications for crop diseases. Earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris) provide well-documented benefits to soil health. Yet, their role as a naturally occurring…
agricultural apprenticeships
Agriculture/Livestock News
New agricultural apprenticeships initiated this year
Teagasc will roll out three new agricultural apprenticeships this year. The news was announced by Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Charlie McConalogue. He added that the provision of agricultural internships in the agri-food sector “is a matter for individual companies to consider”. There are currently 17 agricultural courses available by Teagasc across 25 training locations. These comprise seven agricultural colleges and 17 regional education locations. The apprenticeships are…
pay farmers
Agriculture/Livestock News
Pay farmers on the day for cattle, says IFA
Buyers should pay farmers on the day for their cattle, says the Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA). Sharing the latest prices reported as quoted or paid to IFA members, sales per kilogram in general are slightly down for the week of 22 June, 2022 compared to the week of 15 June, 2022. 22 June, 2022 Steer base €5.10/5.20/kg. Heifer base €5.15/5.25/kg. Young bulls R/U €5.00/5.40/kg. Higher prices and flat deals for…
safety and assurance
Agriculture/Livestock News
Teagasc launches new Farm Safety and Assurance module for women
Teagasc recently launched its QQI Level 5 Farm Safety and Assurance module, for which the first round will be delivered to women working in the agri-sector. The objective of this training is to provide a comprehensive overview of possible hazards, risks and accidents common to farms and agri-businesses. Also included are practical and efficient methods to control, avoid and reduce farm accidents and hazards. Safe tractor operations, food assurance and…
Dairygold winners
Agriculture/Livestock News
Limerick farmers excel at Dairygold Milk Quality Awards
Gearoid and Sarah Maher from Killuragh, Cappamore, Co. Limerick are the overall winners of the 2021 Dairygold Milk Quality Awards and regional winners of the best quality milk supply to Dairygold last year. Gearoid farms in partnership with his wife Sarah with a herd of 80 Pedigree Friesian cows. The herd produced 500kg milk solids per cow in 2021 with an average Somatic Cell Count (SCC) of 118 and Total…
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 24/11/2022
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 22/06/2022
Wednesday’s selected Cattle Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. DRYCOW-F 500-600KG Avg Price/KgLMX 2.45/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LMX, 510kg 2.61/kg 1330.00LMX, 565kg 2.57/kg 1450.00LMX, 525kg 2.46/kg 1290.00LMX, 585kg 2.38/kg 1390.00HEX, 545kg 2.37/kg 1290.00SH, 530kg 2.32/kg 1230.00 DRYCOW-F 600-700KG Avg Price/KgCHX 2.57/kgLMX 2.40/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LMX, 655kg 2.70/kg 1770.00CHX, 635kg 2.63/kg 1670.00LM, 620kg 2.63/kg 1630.00CHX, 680kg 2.59/kg 1760.00CHX, 680kg 2.59/kg 1760.00CHX, 670kg 2.55/kg 1710.00 DRYCOW-F 700-800KG Avg Price/KgAA 2.17/kgLMX 2.69/kgSIX 2.73/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SIX, 785kg…
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 30/11/2022
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 22/06/2022
Wednesday’s selected Sheep Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. LB 30-40KG Avg Price/KgLB 2.66/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LB, 38kg 3.37/kg 128.00LB, 39kg 3.31/kg 129.00LB, 38kg 3.16/kg 120.00LB, 37kg 3.11/kg 115.00LB, 38kg 3/kg 114.00LB, 36kg 0.03/kg 1.00 LB 40-50KG Avg Price/KgLB 3.28/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LB, 40kg 3.72/kg 149.00LB, 40kg 3.58/kg 143.00LB, 44kg 3.57/kg 157.00LB, 45kg 3.56/kg 160.00LB, 44kg 3.55/kg 156.00LB, 44kg 3.55/kg 156.00 LB 50-60KG Avg Price/KgLB 2.97/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LB, 50kg 3.22/kg 161.00LB, 50kg…
agri-environment scheme
Agriculture/Livestock News
€1.5bn agri-environment scheme named
The €1.5 billion scheme that is the single biggest investment ever by an Irish government has been named the Agri-Climate Rural Environment Scheme (‘ACRES’). This was announced recently by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue. This agri-environment scheme forms part of Ireland’s draft €9.8 billion CAP Strategic Plan (CSP) and will target 50,000 farm families. The announcement of the scheme name formed part of the update…
agri-tech startup
Agriculture/Livestock News
Call to agri-tech startups to enter Agri T-Jam
The fifth annual Agri T-Jam, hosted by Tesco and World Agri-Tech provides seed/early-stage agri-tech startups worldwide with an opportunity to work with Tesco and its supply chain partners to help them achieve net-zero. At least one of the finalists will receive: Fast-track introductions and mentoring by the agriculture team at Tesco and its supplier networkPotential to trial the solutionPitch live at the World Agri-Tech Innovation SummitSchedule 1-to-1 meetings with investors…
green diesel
Agriculture/Livestock News
Farming industry “needs a break” regarding green diesel
At a recent meeting at Ballymote Mart, Sligo-Leitrim Sinn Féin representative Martin Kenny put out the call for government to commit to lower green diesel (agricultural diesel) prices below €1.20/L. Kenny highlighted the fact that while cattle and sheep prices are up, they have not doubled, as has the cost of everything, which “seems to have doubled and even more doubled”. He added that the price of fertiliser alone has doubled and,…
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 21/06/2022
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 21/06/2022
Tuesday’s selected Sheep Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. LB 20-30KG Avg Price/Kg3.00/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:, 29kg 5.62/kg 161.00, 22kg 3.47/kg 78.00, 25kg 3.45/kg 85.00, 30kg 3.21/kg 95.00, 26kg 1.92/kg 50.00, 28kg 0.36/kg 10.00 LB 30-40KG Avg Price/Kg3.19/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:, 36kg 3.51/kg 126.00, 33kg 3.50/kg 116.00, 33kg 3.45/kg 114.00, 39kg 3.43/kg 135.00, 30kg 3.42/kg 103.00, 38kg 3.40/kg 128.00 LB 40-50KG Avg Price/Kg3.45/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:, 41kg 3.97/kg 161.00, 42kg 3.78/kg 158.00, 44kg…
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 21/06/2022
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 21/06/2022
Tuesday’s selected Cattle Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. BW 300-400KG Avg Price/KgAAX 2.23/kgBBX 3.05/kgCHX 3.16/kgLM 3.31/kgLMX 3.08/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:CHX, 305kg 3.87/kg 1180.00LMX, 310kg 3.61/kg 1120.00CHX, 370kg 3.57/kg 1320.00CHX, 305kg 3.38/kg 1030.00CHX, 310kg 3.35/kg 1040.00CHX, 325kg 3.35/kg 1090.00 BW 400-500KG Avg Price/KgCHX 2.87/kgLMX 2.74/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:CHX, 400kg 3.1/kg 1240.00LMX, 430kg 2.93/kg 1260.00CHX, 400kg 2.92/kg 1170.00LMX, 435kg 2.92/kg 1270.00CHX, 495kg 2.91/kg 1440.00LMX, 450kg 2.89/kg 1300.00 HW 300-400KG Avg Price/KgCH 3.17/kgCHX 2.81/kgLMX…
Charleville Agricultural Show
Agriculture/Livestock News
Highlights at Charleville Agricultural Show
The Charleville Agricultural Show makes for a great family day out. The event will run on 25 and 26 June, 2022, at Ballyhea, Pike Cross, Ballyhea in Charleville. Established in 1979, it has grown from strength to strength every year. With numerous interesting events to be seen, varying from judging of cattle, horses, sheep, horticulture, dogs, arts & crafts, cookery and numerous children’s competitions, live music, pets corner, kids entertainment…
young farmer support
Agriculture/Livestock News
Call for young farmer support grows
Macra’s demand for government action on young farmer support has been reenforced by Sinn Féin MEP Chris MacManus, Member of the European Parliament Agricultural Committee. MEP MacManus commented that, last week: “Macra President John Keane called out the Irish Government for its failure to prioritise generational renewal. President Keane rightly highlighted that Ireland is an outlier in this context and even the European Commission is concerned.” “In support of our…
crop markets
Agriculture/Livestock News
Market looks to new crop markets
The market is looking to new crop markets as trading of old crop supplies in June is traditionally much lower, according to the Irish Farmers’ Association. Grain price sentiment remains largely unchanged this week (16 June, 2022) and prices remain similar to last week. The last three weeks have seen a downward trend over news on potential grain corridors out of Ukraine. Paris MATIF wheat for 22 September closed (15…
lamb prices
Agriculture/Livestock News
IFA criticises factories that drop lamb prices
IFA Sheep committee chairman Kevin Comiskey said there is no justification in the market place for the attempts by factories to drop lamb prices. The IFA sheep chairman said hogget numbers have all but dried up at this stage and lamb supplies are running 5,000 a week below last year’s levels. What’s more, he said demand for sheep meat is strong and will increase as the Eid al Adha festival…
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 20/06/2022
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 20/06/2022
Monday’s selected Cattle Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. CO 400-500KG Avg Price/KgAAX 1.32/kgFR 1.62/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:FR, 485kg 2.21/kg 1070.00FR, 440kg 1.91/kg 840.00BBX, 470kg 1.83/kg 860.00FR, 450kg 1.82/kg 820.00FR, 480kg 1.71/kg 820.00FR, 495kg 1.68/kg 830.00 CO 500-600KG Avg Price/KgAAX 1.84/kgAYX 1.99/kgFR 1.63/kgFRX 1.82/kgHEX 2.16/kgJEX 1.91/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LMX, 565kg 2.76/kg 1560.00JEX, 530kg 2.34/kg 1240.00FR, 570kg 2.28/kg 1300.00FR, 590kg 2.27/kg 1340.00AAX, 595kg 2.27/kg 1350.00FRX, 560kg 2.27/kg 1270.00 CO 600-700KG Avg Price/KgFR 1.95/kgFRX…
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 17/12/2022
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 20/06/2022
Monday’s selected Sheep Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. SH 30-40KG Avg Price/KgSH 3.30/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SH, 38kg 3.76/kg 143.00SH, 38kg 3.66/kg 139.00SH, 39kg 3.59/kg 140.00SH, 36kg 3.5/kg 126.00SH, 37kg 3.46/kg 128.00SH, 35kg 3.43/kg 120.00 SH 40-50KG Avg Price/KgSH 3.56/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SH, 44kg 3.77/kg 166.00SH, 44kg 3.77/kg 166.00SH, 43kg 3.77/kg 162.00SH, 44kg 3.75/kg 165.00SH, 44kg 3.75/kg 165.00SH, 46kg 3.74/kg 172.00 SH 50-60KG Avg Price/KgSH 3.24/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SH, 50kg 3.56/kg 178.00SH, 54kg…
dairy market
Agriculture/Livestock News
Good returns predicted for world dairy market in the near future
It appears that the global dairy market will provide good returns for the foreseeable future due to reduced global milk supply. This is as key Irish milk processors raised their milk prices by at least 2c/L this week. The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board’s (AHDB) confirmed that the world’s milk production recorded a year-on-year deficit in March 2022, with total milk deliveries across the key producing countries down 0.7% since 2021.…