Agriculture/Livestock News

Carrigallen Mart: Your Destination for Quality Weanlings and Organic Cattle Sales

Carrigallen Mart: Your Destination for Quality Weanlings and Organic Cattle Sales

The auction world is buzzing with anticipation for the forthcoming sales at Carrigallen Mart. The well-established mart, known for its well-organised auctions, has laid out an impressive schedule of sales for 2023 that includes special sales of Weanling Bulls & Heifers and dedicated auctions for Organic Cattle Sales.

To participate in the auctions and place a bid, click on the following link to register. CLICK HERE!

Highlighting the auction calendar is the special sale of Weanling Bulls & Heifers. Scheduled for Saturday, 5th August, this event is a golden opportunity for buyers seeking quality livestock. To secure a lot, one can book from Wednesday, 2nd August, starting at 9:30 am.

But wait, the opportunity doesn’t end here! A subsequent special sale of Weanling Bulls & Heifers is scheduled for Saturday, 2nd September. Registrations for this sale will begin from Wednesday, 30th August at 9:30 am, ensuring ample time for all interested buyers.

Embracing the growing demand for organic produce, Carrigallen Mart has also organised a series of Organic Cattle Sales. With dates earmarked on Monday 21st August, Monday 18th September, Monday 16th October, Monday 13th November and Monday 4th December, these sales open a gateway to a wide range of organic livestock.

All organic sales are set to commence at 5 pm, a suitable time for both local and distant bidders. Participants eager to secure a lot in these organic auctions can book by ringing the Mart Office at 049 433 9633.

For those who prefer the convenience of digital transactions, LSL Auctions has you covered. The LSL Auctions app provides a seamless, user-friendly platform for registration and online bidding. It brings the full excitement of the auction ring to the palm of your hand.

Carrigallen Mart’s upcoming sales showcase the best of Leitrim’s livestock industry. Whether you’re a seasoned buyer or a novice farmer, these sales promise to deliver quality, value, and a vibrant community spirit that defines rural Ireland. In the words of a local farmer, “You won’t find better craic than at Carrigallen Mart!

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