Agriculture/Livestock News

An Exciting Day at Carrigallen Mart next Saturday, 17th June: A Focus on Ring 2

An Exciting Day at Carrigallen Mart next Saturday, 17th June: A Focus on Ring 2

As the sunrise paints the sky in breathtaking hues of gold and orange, Carrigallen Mart readies itself for yet another bustling Saturday market on the 17th of June. A much-anticipated event, the market is set to showcase an impressive array of 80 calves, all primed for auction in Ring 2 starting from the crisp hour of 10am. Amongst the diverse selection, attendees can look forward to bidding on 8 Friesian heifer calves and a uniquely captivating shorthorn calf.

To participate in this auction and place a bid, click on the following link to register. CLICK HERE!

Carrigallen Mart has always been renowned for its quality stock, but this Saturday promises to be particularly special. The Friesian heifer calves, known for their excellent milk production and strong body frame, are expected to attract keen interest from farmers and breeders. Their reputation as high-performance animals precedes them, making these eight heifers a notable feature of the auction.

But the highlight of the day might just be the Shorthorn calf. This breed, known for its hardiness, high fertility, and rapid growth rate, offers remarkable versatility. Capable of thriving in diverse climatic conditions, the Shorthorn breed is often chosen for crossbreeding programmes, making this calf an exciting prospect for many.

Recognising the changing dynamics of the current age, Carrigallen Mart has seamlessly integrated technology into their traditional auction format. The option to participate in the auction through the LSL Auctions App allows interested bidders from around the world to partake in the action, right from the comfort of their homes. This online bidding feature reflects Carrigallen Mart’s dedication to providing ease and convenience to its patrons, whilst expanding its reach.

This coming Saturday promises to be a thrilling day at Carrigallen Mart, filled with anticipation and potential. Whether you’re a local farmer looking to augment your herd, an overseas investor seeking quality livestock, or just a spectator intrigued by the lively spectacle, the auction in Ring 2 is bound to captivate your interest.

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