Agriculture/Livestock News

A Special Treat for the Buyers at Corrin Mart: High-Yield Dairy Heifer Calves today, 20th June

A Special Treat for the Buyers at Corrin Mart: High-Yield Dairy Heifer Calves today, 20th June

Corrin Mart offers a special invitation to all potential buyers for an extraordinary sale on June 20, 2023. The market is abuzz with anticipation as eight well-bred dairy heifer calves, boasting EBIs up to €315, are set to change hands. This sale, not only an exciting opportunity for buyers and sellers, but a testament to Ireland’s thriving dairy industry, is scheduled to occur at 12 noon, in conjunction with the regular calf sale.

To participate in the auctions and place a bid, click on the following link to register. CLICK HERE!

These eight heifer calves represent the pinnacle of livestock quality – a tangible result of meticulous breeding and a testament to the robust health and genetic potential of Irish cattle. With an Economic Breeding Index (EBI) reaching up to a staggering €315, these calves promise to be a solid investment for any dairy farmer, guaranteeing impressive milk production and future breeding potential.

The sale offers a chance for buyers to add superior genetic material to their herd, promoting robust health, high milk yield, and exceptional breeding traits. It’s not every day that such a group of calves comes to market, making this an occasion not to be missed.

As always, the Corrin Mart, understanding the need for accessibility, facilitates both local and international buyers. They accept enquiries at their hotline on 025-31611, where the friendly and knowledgeable staff are always ready to assist. For those unable to make it in person, online bidding is available via LSL Auctions. This approach ensures that no matter where you are, you have the opportunity to participate in this exceptional sale.

This unique event reinforces Corrin Mart’s position as a leading marketplace for livestock, underpinning their commitment to fostering the Irish dairy industry’s growth and prosperity. The special entry of the high EBI heifer calves is an epitome of this dedication, offering a unique opportunity to not just expand one’s herd, but to enhance the genetic quality of their livestock.

Today, Corrin Mart stands not just as a venue for commerce, but as a testament to the vitality and resilience of Irish agriculture, providing a platform for the best livestock that Ireland has to offer. So, join in the excitement, seize this opportunity, and be part of Ireland’s thriving dairy industry.

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