Agriculture/Livestock News

Clearance Sale at Castleisland Mart on Wednesday, 31st May: A Golden Opportunity for Stock Enthusiasts

Clearance Sale at Castleisland on Wednesday, 31st May: A Golden Opportunity for Stock Enthusiasts

Castleisland Mart is set to host an unmissable event for stock enthusiasts on Wednesday, May 31st. The highly anticipated Clearance Sale promises to offer a treasure trove of top-quality livestock that will leave breeders and farmers astounded. This extraordinary sale, featuring the prestigious Super PB HE & AA stock, is expected to draw a large crowd of eager buyers from far and wide.

To participate in this auction and place a bid, click on the following link to register. CLICK HERE!

One of the key highlights of the Clearance Sale is the remarkable selection of well-bred, superior-quality stock. Castleisland Mart has carefully curated an impressive lineup of animals, ensuring that every buyer will have a chance to acquire the best breeds available. Whether you are seeking prize-winning cattle or genetically superior sheep, this sale is a golden opportunity to enhance your own stock with exceptional genetics.

To facilitate potential buyers, Castleisland Mart has made the sale catalogue available at their office. This comprehensive catalogue will provide crucial information about the featured animals, allowing buyers to make informed decisions. With the knowledge of each animal’s background, breeders can select stock that aligns with their specific requirements and breeding goals.

The Clearance Sale will commence at approximately 1 pm, but the excitement begins much earlier. The mart yard will be open for viewing from 11:30 am onwards, giving interested buyers ample time to examine the stock up close. This pre-sale viewing allows breeders to assess the health, conformation, and potential of the animals, enabling them to make confident choices.

For those unable to attend in person, Castleisland Mart has arranged for online bidding via LSL Auctions App. Our convenient feature ensures that buyers from all corners of the country, and even beyond, can participate in the bidding process. With a user-friendly interface and real-time updates, the app guarantees a seamless and transparent experience for remote buyers.

The Clearance Sale at Castleisland promises to be a remarkable event that no stock enthusiast can afford to miss. It offers a unique opportunity to acquire top-quality, well-bred stock that will undoubtedly elevate any breeding program. Whether you’re a seasoned farmer or a budding breeder, this sale provides an unrivaled chance to strengthen your livestock and propel your operation to new heights. Mark your calendars, gather your breeding goals, and make your way to Castleisland for a day of exceptional stock and unparalleled opportunities.

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