Agriculture/Livestock News

Top-Notch Pedigree Limousin Bull Auction Set for Saturday, 29th April 2023 at Draperstown Mart

Top-Notch Pedigree Limousin Bull Auction Set for Saturday, 29th April 2023 at Draperstown Mart

On Saturday, 29th April 2023, a highly anticipated auction will take place for a pedigree Limousin bull at Draperstown Mart. This 24-month-old bull hails from a Johnes Risk Level 1 herd, ensuring exceptional health and quality. The herd has been tested for BVD-free status and has a 1-year TB testing interval. This Limousin bull has also undergone semen testing, further solidifying its value in the world of livestock breeding.

To participate in this auction and place a bid, click on the following link to register. CLICK HERE!

The bull’s lineage is truly noteworthy as it was sired by the renowned Ampertaine Elgin, a highly regarded sire known for its genetic prowess. This young bull carries both F94 and Q204X genes, which are certain to produce easy-to-birth, muscular calves. Given its strong genetics, this Limousin bull is expected to attract significant attention from local farmers and cattle breeders.

What sets this bull apart from the competition is that it has been raised in its working clothes, and not pushed on meal. This means that the bull has been allowed to grow and develop naturally, without the use of excessive feeding practices or artificial supplements. This is a highly desirable trait for cattle breeders, as it ensures that the bull’s offspring will inherit its natural strength and resilience.

The auction will be hosted on the innovative LSL Auction App, allowing for online bidding and easy access for local farmers. This digital platform ensures a seamless and transparent auction process, enabling bidders to participate from the comfort of their own homes or offices. As technology continues to transform the agricultural industry, online auctions such as this one are becoming increasingly popular, offering convenience and efficiency for both buyers and sellers.

The upcoming auction on 29th April 2023 at Draperstown Mart presents a unique opportunity for local farmers and cattle breeders to acquire a top-quality pedigree Limousin bull. With its impressive lineage, robust health, and natural upbringing, this bull is poised to make a significant impact on the cattle breeding industry. Don’t miss the chance to participate in this exciting event, which is sure to draw a great deal of interest from the farming community. Log onto the LSL Auction App to place your bid and become part of this momentous occasion.

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