Agriculture/Livestock News

New Ross Mart’s Special Entry of In-Calf Angus and Hereford Heifers: Saturday, 22nd April

New Ross Mart's Special Entry of In-Calf Angus and Hereford Heifers: Saturday, 22nd April

On Saturday, the 22nd of April, New Ross Mart is set to host a unique and exciting event for farmers and cattle breeders. In addition to their regular sales, the Mart will feature a special entry of 25 in-calf Angus and Hereford heifers. These heifers are all in calf to a Pedigree Registered Angus bull and are due in just one to three weeks.

To participate in this auction and place a bid, click on the following link to register. CLICK HERE!

This event presents a rare opportunity for farmers and breeders to acquire high-quality, in-calf heifers with strong genetics. As Angus and Hereford cattle are known for their excellent meat quality and ease of calving, these heifers are particularly attractive to those looking to expand or improve their herds.

For those interested in this special entry, the heifers have been carefully selected to ensure the highest quality. The Angus and Hereford breeds are renowned for their hardiness and adaptability, making them suitable for a variety of farming systems. By choosing heifers in calf to a Pedigree Registered Angus bull, breeders can be confident in the genetics they are bringing into their herds.

In order to accommodate all interested buyers, New Ross Mart has made online bidding available via the LSL Auctions App. This platform allows bidders to participate in the auction from the comfort of their own homes or offices, ensuring a seamless and convenient experience.

For more information about the event, the heifers, or the online bidding process, interested parties can contact Richie directly at 086 8462402. With limited availability and a high demand for these quality in-calf heifers, potential buyers are encouraged to act quickly to secure their place at this exclusive event.

The special entry of 25 in-calf Angus and Hereford heifers at New Ross Mart on Saturday, the 22nd of April, offers a unique opportunity for farmers and cattle breeders. With strong genetics, high-quality breeds, and the convenience of online bidding, this event is not to be missed by those looking to expand or improve their herds. Reach out to Richie for more information and be sure to mark the date in your calendar!

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