The Relough Herd offers a strong consignment of heifers at this week’s 53rd Dungannon Dairy Sale, making this another strong line-up of over 20 pedigree fresh calved heifers and young cows all with great potential.
The Taaffe Auctions sale is at Dungannon Farmers Mart at 90 Granville Rod, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, and online via LSL Auctions on Thursday, 17th November 2022 at 11:30.
Take a look at the catalogue here.
There’ll be 114 Fresh Calved Heifers & Cows due November / December, plus 4 Springing Heifers due November/December.
For the entries from top herds see the poster below.
For more information contact Michael or Brian on 00353 41 9881288.
Contact Taaffe Auctions at: +353 41 988 1288.
