Supporting Sustainable Beef Farming was the theme for recent Teagasc Open Day Beef2022, held at the Teagasc Beef Research Centre in Grange, County Meath. The focus was on the application of technologies that will help beef farmers increase the profitability and environmental sustainability of their family farm businesses.
Speaking at the Open Day, Teagasc Director, Professor Frank O Mara, said: “Beef farming is the most widespread of all farm enterprises with the sector making a key contribution to the Irish economy, particularly in rural areas. Beef farmers face many challenges, with farm level profitability and meeting environmental obligations being the two biggest challenges now. The latest research and advice is now available to cattle farmers to assist them address these challenges. The continued development of the beef sector is crucial for the viability of rural areas throughout the country.”
Paul Crosson, Teagasc Beef Enterprise Leader said: “Management can improve the performance of cattle enterprises through more efficient use of available resources, boosting both economic and environmental returns. Optimising the performance of animals at pasture and reducing the age of slaughter can improve farm economics per hectare and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”
The increases in input costs facing beef farmers have accelerated in 2022. Options open to farmers to mitigate the impact of rising costs on farms include strategic marketing of animals to avail of high beef prices, selling non-productive and inefficient performers, completing cashflow budgets for their own farm, managing inputs more efficiently, and concentrating on grazed grass as the cheapest feed available.
Soil testing, using protected urea fertilizer instead of CAN, using low emissions slurry spreading methods, incorporating clover into grass swards and increasing grass utilisation are recommended.