There appears to be a slump in the numbers of spring lamb appearing at marts, compared to the same period in 2021. However, reports suggest that numbers are steadily increasing, despite figures remaining small at this stage. According to factory prices, heavy spring lambs are making up to €190-200 but only small numbers are reaching this mark.
Factory prices this week are also on the rise with prices reportedly reaching as high as €8.50/kg with base prices ranging from €7.70/kg up to €7.90/kg. The trade has not lived up to expectations, as many are moving at prices of €170-185/head at marts.
The prices farmers have been getting for produce have been no better than this time last year despite increases in input costs since last year. Some mart managers have said that factory agents are not showing as keen an interest, and are focusing on hoggets and cull ewes instead.
The trade for spring lambs at marts at the start of the week is as follows:
- Raphoe Mart, prices for spring lambs ranged from €170/head to €192/head for lambs weighing 46-52kg
- Ennis Mart saw prices for spring lambs make up to €170/head, with the general run of prices from €3.30/kg up to €3.88/kg for 40-55kg lambs
- At Tullow Mart, prices reached a high of €200 but in general, didn’t exceed €180/head