
One-Third of Pollinators Threatened with Extinction in Ireland

A third of Ireland’s bee species face extinction due to reduced amounts of food and safe nesting sites available, according to a new report.
The ‘Working together for biodiversity: Tales from the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan 2015 – 2020’ says the drastic decline requires “serious and requires immediate attention to ensure the sustainability of our food, avoid additional economic impact on the agricultural sector and protect the health of the environment.”

The All-Ireland Pollinator Plan is designed to bring together farmers, schools, local authorities, gardeners and businesses to create an Ireland where pollinators can survive and thrive.

Farmers have a crucial role in increasing biodiversity and ensuring pollinator-friendly landscapes as nearly two-thirds of Ireland’s landscape is agricultural land.

Guidelines have been issued for famers to help make farmland more pollinator friendly:

1. Maintain native flowering hedgerows

2. Allow wildflowers to grow around the farm

3. Provide nesting places for wild bees

4. Minimise artificial fertiliser use

5. Reduce pesticide inputs

A new pollinator plan is currently being developed to cover 2021 – 2025.

LSL News.
