Sheep trade

Safeguarding sheep and cattle trade a concern for INHFA 
Safeguarding the cattle and sheep trade appears to be the main priority of the Irish Natura and Hill Farmers Association (INHFA), as it has put forward a series of proposals regarding this. According to INHFA vice-president Micheal McDonnell, there is a real worry about these sectors, and that is already becoming apparent on the light of store trade for cattle. Outlining his concerns, McDonnell says that many farmers are “not…
Hogget and spring lamb price increase
With Easter around the corner and Ramadan underway, there has been another hike in the factory price of spring lamb and hoggets. This comes as prices continue to rise from last week, with factories intensifying their efforts to secure supplies. The numbers of spring lambs coming on stream continue to remain small, but numbers are expected to start increasing shortly. The base prices for spring lambs have increased by as much as…
Sheep trade sees another increase in prices
There has been an increase in sheep trade this week, with base prices for hoggets increasing by 10c/kg leaving quotes ranging from €6.85/kg up to €7.05/kg. Irish Country Meats is on base of €6.85/kg plus a 10c/kg quality assurance (QA) bonus for hoggets, while Kildare Chilling has moved up to a base of €7.00/kg plus a 10c/kg QA bonus for hoggets. Producer groups are securing prices of up to €7.40/kg…