
Multi-species swards boost lamb growth
Multi-species swards boost lamb growth
Spring 2022 has been cold and dry, but grass growth continues at UCD Lyons Farm. What’s more, multi-species swards at their experimental sheep platform are proving to boost lamb growth. UCD is the only third-level Irish university with its own teaching and research farm. This enables students and academics to access large animal and crop enterprises for teaching and research programmes.  UCD’s grass growth rate is close to 40kgDM per…
Sheep farmers
Sheep farmers unlikely to benefit from US market access
Gaining access to the US market for sheepmeat will only be worthwhile if it puts extra money in farmers’ pockets. ICSA sheep chair Sean McNamara says farmers are increasingly sceptical about whether the opening of new markets has any real benefit for them. Previously, these announcements have not prompted a strengthening of prices. “In theory, the more markets the better for farmers. But the reality is that farmers have not…
BETTER Farm Sheep Programme
Register for the BETTER Farm Sheep Programme
Agriculture and Food Development Authority Teagasc invites farmers who want to develop sustainable sheep enterprises to join their BETTER Farm Sheep Programme. This applies to lowland sheep farmers in the Midlands, North East, and Donegal, hill sheep farmers in the South East, and organic sheep enterprises nationwide. Those interested in developing sustainable sheep enterprises must register their interest by Friday, May 20, 2022, at 5 pm IST. The BETTER Farm Sheep…