
satellite farming country roads Ireland
Satellite farming in the spotlight
Sons and daughters wanting to operate their Galway family farms along side roads are turning to satellite farming. This is because planning permission is becoming increasingly difficult to secure. Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), which is responsible for the national roads network, wants to limit traffic leading from side roads to main roads. However, adult children whose parents have homes and farmland along these side roads travel there frequently anyway. This…
Multi-species swards boost lamb growth
Multi-species swards boost lamb growth
Spring 2022 has been cold and dry, but grass growth continues at UCD Lyons Farm. What’s more, multi-species swards at their experimental sheep platform are proving to boost lamb growth. UCD is the only third-level Irish university with its own teaching and research farm. This enables students and academics to access large animal and crop enterprises for teaching and research programmes.  UCD’s grass growth rate is close to 40kgDM per…
House build-to-rent schemes
Build to rent schemes unsustainable in Dublin
Dublin City Council chief executive Owen Keegan says too many build-to-rent schemes in Dublin have made them unsustainable. What’s more, this could impact the long-term housing needs of the city. In 2020, the number of these schemes applied for or granted was almost 82%. That’s up from just over 15% in 2018. Therefore, the new city development plan should restrict the number of build-to-rent schemes included. And this is contrary to…
USPCA puppy scam alert
Public advised to be wary of a new puppy scam
The USPCA, Northern Ireland’s animal welfare charity, has published a new puppy scam alert. Illegal puppy farmers are inventing new ways to fake legitimacy and make a quick buck at the cost of the poor animal’s wellbeing. They are insisting on home checks before handing over the puppy. However, they don’t execute them. They simply want cash in an envelope handed over on the doorstep. This puppy scam alert is…