Input costs

input costs
Farmers struggling with excessive input costs
Beef and sheep farmers “are being crucified” by spiralling input costs, according to The Irish Cattle and Sheep Farmers’ Association (ICSA). In a recent meeting with Charlie McConalogue, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, ICSA President Dermot Kelleher urged him to channel exchequer funds to the vulnerable beef, suckler, and sheep sectors. The silage support scheme is helpful but not enough, said ICSA. They motivated for a EUR 2,000…
Warning issued by FFA amid rising input costs
A stern farmgate-supply warning has been issued by Farmers For Action (FFA) amid rising input costs. The warning was intended for corporate and co-op food processors in Northern Ireland (NI). According to FFA’s, William Taylor co-op milk processors are dragging their feet again at a base price of around 36p/L, whilst Meadow Foods in England announced a price of 41.6p/L going forward.  Addressing concerns around large meat processors in NI,…
11c/l hike in milk production costs 
The Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) has announced that the production cost of a litre milk has risen by 11.25c. This was revealed by IFA senior policy executive, Karol Kissane, who was speaking at the organisation’s milk price analysis webinar. The webinar outlined that input costs on farms have drastically increased over the last number of months.   At the webinar it was heard that farmers have experienced a 230% increase…