fire risk

status orange
Status orange thunderstorm and fire warning
On the back of another heatwave, and despite the national weather forecaster’s issuing a status orange thunderstorm warning for yesterday and today, the Department of Agriculture has released an orange forest fire warning which is in effect until noon tomorrow (Tuesday). The effective period of the high fire risk warning expires at noon on 16 August, 2022. A consequence of current weather patterns, a high fire risk is deemed to…
fire risk
Agriculture/Livestock News
Farmers must take steps to manage fire risk
With the recent dry weather significantly increasing the risk of fires on tillage farms, Teagasc Tillage Specialist Shay Phelan advises farmers to put measures in place to be able to prevent and extinguish fires if they occur. All fields, including grass fields and hedges where there is dead or decaying material has the potential to burn if the conditions are right. 10 ways to manage the fire risk: Make sure…