
rural tourism
Investment across 260 recreational forests and 12 forest parks
Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, has announced €15 million in funding as part of a new five-year strategic partnership with Coillte designed to boost rural tourism. Some 260 recreational forests and 12 forest parks will receive investment as part of the initiative. This will result in improvements being carried out to some 3,000 kilometres of walking trails and cycleways in a major boost to outdoor tourism…
Coillte new forests in Ireland
Timber home industry could benefit from Coillte’s new forest plan
A plan to grow 100,000 hectares of new forests in Ireland by 2050 aims to support the delivery of one-third of the country’s afforestation target, and create a carbon sink of 18 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2). The scheme was unveiled by Coillte, a commercial forestry business responsible for the management of 440,000 hectares of Ireland’s forests, which represents 7% of the country. Bernie Gray, Coillte chairwoman, shared that…