BirdWatch Ireland

Over 2,650ha of raised bog habitat improved by the Living Bog project
The Living Bog project comes to an end this month after six years in existence. From 2016 to 2021, the condition of more than 2,650ha of raised bog habitat has been improved over the duration of the programme, and the project is scheduled to achieve over 720ha of active raised bog habitat across project sites. It is also estimated that an extra 100t of CO2 are being sequestered per year as a…
corn bunting
BirdWatch Ireland raises red flag over dwindling farmland birds
BirdWatch Ireland has raised concerns that biodiversity measures currently included in Ireland’s CAP Strategic Plan do not go far enough to protect Irish farmland birds. This is in light of their dwindling numbers. Oonagh Duggan, the head of advocacy, notes that 16 of Ireland’s farmland bird species are on the group’s red list – which means they are of “highest conservation concern”. Duggan commented last week to the Oireachtas Joint…