
Irish Grassland Association Dairy Conference
Agriculture/Livestock News
Irish Grassland Association Dairy Conference
This year’s Irish Grassland Association Dairy Conference takes place on Wednesday, 20 July, 2022, at the Talbot Hotel, Clonmel. It’s themed around getting the basics right to fulfil potential –  “Controlling the Controllables”. The conference will start off with a focus on the tools that dairy farmers can use to manage risks and opportunities in their businesses. The organiser’s explanation: “There is a lot in the world now that is…
FTMTA Farm Machinery Show
Agriculture/Livestock News
FTMTA Farm Machinery Show for farmers and contractors
A large line-up of exhibitors can be seen at the 2022 Farm Tractor and Machinery Trade Association (FTMTA) Machinery Show. The event is expected to attract crowds in the region of 20,000 people over two days on 13 and 14 July, 2022, from 10am to 6pm. Ireland’s largest dedicated farm machinery event is set to showcase all the latest farm machinery, technology and related services. The event is no longer…
pig prices
Agriculture/Livestock News
Pig prices steady up to €1.96/kg
There was no announced change to Irish pig prices this week with farmers receiving quotes of €1.90c/kg up to €1.94 or €1.92 to €1.96/kg. Some farmers who sold pigs to the north for slaughter received quotes of €2.00/kg. Farmers in ROI received similar quotes from ROI plants. The average size farm is forecast to lose €360,000 for the 2022 12-month period, according to Teagasc. The increase in pig prices in…
LambPlus Flock
Agriculture/Livestock News
Finalist – Highest Achieving LambPlus Flock 2022
Liam and Eoin Dunne are one of the three finalists of the Highest Achieving LambPlus Flock 2022. The Tubber flock, located in Tubber, Co. Offaly was first establised in 1995 and has gone from strength to strength since then, breeding some of the top Belclare sheep in the country. This was rewarded in 2019 and 2021 when their animals championed the Belclare Sheep Society Premier Sale. The Dunnes began performance…
plastic particles
Agriculture/Livestock News
Study finds alarming amount of microplastics in farm animal products
Results from a pilot study done by researchers at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam established that an alarming amount of microplastics can be found in farm animal products. This included almost 80% of meat and dairy products. Commissioned by the Plastic Soup Foundation, director Maria Westerbos commented that this “raises serious concerns about the contamination of our food chain with microplastics. It is also clear that farmers are not responsible for this. It seems…
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 27/01/2023
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 12/07/2022
Tuesday’s selected Cattle Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. FAT COW 300-400KG Avg Price/KgJE/JY 1.05/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:JE/JY, 390kg 1.28/kg 500.00JE/JY, 395kg 0.81/kg 320.00 FAT COW 500-600KG Avg Price/KgFR 1.49/kgMOX 1.67/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:MOX, 575kg 2.05/kg 1180.00AAX, 590kg 2/kg 1180.00FR, 540kg 1.59/kg 860.00FR, 560kg 1.55/kg 870.00FR, 580kg 1.48/kg 860.00FR, 520kg 1.35/kg 700.00 FAT COW 600-700KG Avg Price/KgFR 1.68/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SIX, 675kg 2.59/kg 1750.00FR, 670kg 2.07/kg 1390.00FR, 675kg 2.03/kg 1370.00FR, 615kg 1.59/kg 980.00FR,…
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 16/09/2022
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 12/07/2022
Tuesday’s selected Sheep Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. LB 20-30KG Avg Price/Kg3.48/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:, 23kg 4.05/kg 92.00, 24kg 3.96/kg 93.00, 21kg 3.76/kg 79.00, 25kg 3.74/kg 93.00, 25kg 3.73/kg 93.00, 24kg 3.57/kg 86.00 LB 30-40KG Avg Price/Kg3.32/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:, 32kg 4.38/kg 140.00, 36kg 3.64/kg 131.00, 31kg 3.55/kg 110.00, 35kg 3.39/kg 118.00, 35kg 3.38/kg 119.00, 36kg 3.38/kg 123.00 LB 40-50KG Avg Price/Kg3.34/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:, 45kg 3.49/kg 157.00, 41kg 3.49/kg 143.00, 46kg…
Tullamore Show & FBD National Livestock Show Equine section
Agriculture/Livestock News
Equestrian Section a highlight at upcoming Tullamore Show
The Equestrian Section of The Tullamore Show & FBD National Livestock Show will for the first time take entries on show day. The classes consist of Non thoroughbred Young Stock and Mare and Foal and 6 classes for the Irish Draught and a further 6 in Connemara. The highlight will be the Glenwood Gold Medal Breeders Challenge which boasts a 1st prize of €250. This year there is a new…
Ballyhaise Open Day
Agriculture/Livestock News
Ballyhaise’22 Dairy Open Day – 13 July, 2022
Dairy farmers and dairy industry stakeholders are invited to attend the Ballyhaise’22 Dairy Open Day tomorrow (Wednesday, 13 July, 2022) at Ballyhaise Agricultural College, Ballyhaise, Co. Cavan. Eirocde: H12 E392 from 10am to 5pm.This year’s theme is “Futureproofing Irish Dairying”. Irish dairy farmers have expanded significantly since the abolition of milk quotas in 2015. This has made a significant addition to family farm income in rural communities throughout Ireland and…
calf health
Agriculture/Livestock News
Webinar on how to get optimum calf health
The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) is hosting a webinar today so that farmers can learn more about why good rumen development is key to weaning transition and how to achieve optimum calf health on your farm. The webinar will be from 1:30pm to 3pm SAST. Register at the link below to get a copy of the recording. Changes in diet, environment and social grouping can make weaning a…
FBD LambPlus
Agriculture/Livestock News
FBD LambPlus most improved flock finalist
The upcoming FBD LambPlus Awards will be announced at the Sheep Ireland Breeding Conference & Farm Walk on 12 July, 2022. Christy, Margaret and Brian Gallagher are one of three finalists for this year’s Most Improved LambPlus Flock. The Pullagh Texel flock was established almost 20 years ago and is located just north of Tobbercurry, Co. Sligo. Christy, Margaret and Brian Gallagher have been performance recording with LambPlus since the…
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 24/11/2022
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 11/07/2022
Monday’s selected Cattle Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. CO 400-500KG Avg Price/KgFR 1.43/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:FRX, 410kg 1.85/kg 760.00FR, 495kg 1.78/kg 880.00FR, 460kg 1.30/kg 600.00FR, 420kg 1.21/kg 510.00HEX, 450kg 1.02/kg 460.00 CO 500-600KG Avg Price/KgFR 1.64/kgHEX 1.82/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:FR, 500kg 2.12/kg 1060.00FR, 520kg 2.08/kg 1080.00HEX, 535kg 1.98/kg 1060.00FR, 585kg 1.95/kg 1140.00FR, 580kg 1.86/kg 1080.00FR, 595kg 1.83/kg 1090.00 CO 600-700KG Avg Price/KgAAX 2.24/kgFR 1.85/kgFRX 1.94/kgNRX 2.01/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:HEX, 650kg 2.57/kg 1670.00AAX,…
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 29/11/2022
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 11/07/2022
Monday’s selected Sheep Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. SH 30-40KG Avg Price/KgSH 3.13/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SH, 38kg 3.61/kg 137.00SH, 38kg 3.32/kg 126.00SH, 38kg 3.26/kg 124.00SH, 39kg 3.18/kg 124.00SH, 31kg 3.16/kg 98.00SH, 34kg 3.09/kg 105.00 SH 40-50KG Avg Price/KgSH 3.29/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SH, 46kg 3.48/kg 160.00SH, 42kg 3.45/kg 145.00SH, 44kg 3.43/kg 151.00SH, 42kg 3.40/kg 143.00SH, 45kg 3.4/kg 153.00SH, 45kg 3.4/kg 153.00 SH 50-60KG Avg Price/KgSH 3.13/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SH, 50kg 3.4/kg 170.00SH, 50kg…
banking system
Agriculture/Livestock News
Farmers have low regard for the banking system, report shows
The most recent report from the Irish Banking Culture Board indicates that there is huge distrust of banks by farmers. The community was surveyed as a specific cohort for the first time and registered a stark -77 trust score, ranking much lower than both the general population and SMEs. Marion Kelly, CEO of the IBCB, has commented that the findings point to an urgent need for the banking sector to…
regional investment strategy
Agriculture/Livestock News
Agrifood amongst sectors pegged for regional investment
Agrifood is one sector which has been identified in a new Government plan for investment in every region in the country. For Ireland to receive €396 million from the European Commission the creation of a National Smart Specialisation Strategy is a pre-requisite. The European Regional Development Fund will to support investment. Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Leo Varadkar has said this would be utilised to look at…
Newcastle West Show
Agriculture/Livestock News
Newcastle West Show a family-friendly attraction
Competition entries are now open for this year’s Newcastle West Show which takes place on 17 July, 2022, on new show grounds at Shanagarry, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick. The event makes for an excellent family day, offering family friendly attractions. So go along and enjoy the craic. Why not take your dog along too and enter them in the dog show where excellent prizes will be available. All children enter free. Happening on the…
FBD LambPlus Award
Agriculture/Livestock News
FBD LambPlus Award winners – 12 July
The overall winners of the FBD LambPlus Award will be announced on Tuesday, 12 July2022 at the Sheep Ireland Breeding Conference & Farm Walk.  The awards are an opportunity for Sheep Ireland to give recognition to the breeders who are leading the way in performance recording and genetic gain and to those flocks that have made a significant genetic improvement over the past number of years. There are six finalists,…
breeding conference
Agriculture/Livestock News
Register for breeding conference and farm walk
Sheep Ireland, in conjunction with SMARTER, will host a Breeding Conference and Farm Walk as well as announce the FBD LambPlus Awards on 12 July, 2022. The event is aimed at industry stakeholders, pedigree breeders and sheep farmers. Entrance is free, but registration is required here. Dr Donagh Berry from Teagasc will open and chair the Breeding Conference. The first speaker is Sam Boon, who leads the service delivery of…
New tractor license
Agriculture/Livestock News
Last month’s car and tractor license stats
The latest figures compiled by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) pertaining to car and tractor licenses for June 2022 show that the number of new car licenses dropped by 1,206 (-24%) vehicles compared with June 2021, while 187 new tractors were licensed for the first time – up seven on June 2021, and up 33 on the same month last year. The sums indicate that for the period from January to June…
Oldcastle Agricultural Show
Agriculture/Livestock News
Vintage Car & Tractor Display at Oldcastle Agricultural Show
The award-winning Oldcastle Agricultural Show returns on Sunday, 17 July 2022. The location is Gilson Park. The event will stage a range of Farm Animal competitions, such as Sheep, Cattle, Poultry, Horses and Dogs. The Oldcastle Agricultural Show also welcomes entries into their Hall Industry Classes. These cater for Arts, Crafts and Baking goods. For those patrons not interested in taking part in Show Day, the organisers guarantee that they…
sustainable beef farming
Agriculture/Livestock News
Supporting sustainable beef farming – Beef2022
Supporting Sustainable Beef Farming was the theme for recent Teagasc Open Day Beef2022, held at the Teagasc Beef Research Centre in Grange, County Meath. The focus was on the application of technologies that will help beef farmers increase the profitability and environmental sustainability of their family farm businesses. Speaking at the Open Day, Teagasc Director, Professor Frank O Mara, said: “Beef farming is the most widespread of all farm enterprises…
beef prices
Agriculture/Livestock News
Farmers need strong beef prices – IFA
UK beef prices have risen again this week as supplies tighten, according to IFA Livestock Chairman Brendan Golden. Factory agents are very active on the ground and in marts, sourcing cattle as supplies of suitable cattle here, similar to the UK, ease. He said despite attempts by factories to offer lower quotes, tight supplies, good market demand and strong resistance from farmers is returning paid prices of up to 15c/kg…
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 23/01/2023
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 08/07/2022
Friday’s selected Cattle Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. SC 600-700KG Avg Price/KgLMX 2.75/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LMX, 635kg 2.99/kg 1900.00LMX, 635kg 2.90/kg 1840.00LMX, 685kg 2.86/kg 1960.00LMX, 695kg 2.71/kg 1880.00LMX, 665kg 2.65/kg 1760.00LMX, 645kg 2.37/kg 1530.00 SC 700-800KG Avg Price/KgCHX 2.64/kgLMX 2.53/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SIX, 750kg 2.83/kg 2120.00LMX, 785kg 2.80/kg 2200.00CHX, 760kg 2.76/kg 2100.00HEX, 720kg 2.61/kg 1880.00LMX, 700kg 2.57/kg 1800.00LMX, 700kg 2.54/kg 1780.00 SC 800-900KG Avg Price/KgLMX 2.60/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:CH, 855kg 2.83/kg 2420.00LMX,…
Dungarvan Agricultural Show
Agriculture/Livestock News
Waterford Truck Show at Dungarvan Agricultural Show
The Dungarvan Agricultural Show is one of the longest running shows in the country, and it returns for the 103rd year on Sunday, 10 July 2022. The showcase is a traditional event set on almost 90 acres. When it was first staged in 1917 the mission was that local producers would be given a platform to display their stock and home grown produce with a particular emphasis on education.  A new…
potato report
Agriculture/Livestock News
Processing sector buoyant – potato report
In its latest potato report, the Irish Farmers’ Association said that retail markets remain static as school holidays are in full swing. Meanwhile, demand for the processing sector is buoyant. More queens are coming onto the market this week as liftings are approximately 10 days ahead of last year. Yields are reported to be above average and eating quality is very good. Roadside sales are very slow to take off…
pig prices
Agriculture/Livestock News
Pig prices increase by 4c since 1 July, 2022
There was no announced change to Irish pig prices on Friday, 1 July, 2022 with farmers receiving quotes of €1.88c/kg up to €1.94 or €1.92 to €1.96/kg. Some farmers selling pigs to the north for slaughter are receiving quotes of €2/kg and some farmers in ROI are receiving similar quotes from some processing plants in ROI.  The Irish Farmers‘ Association notes that the 4c increase that farmers received last week…