
Wholesale Price Index
Agriculture/Livestock News
Wholesale Price Index for June 2022 – CSO
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) released the June 2022 Wholesale Price Index on 22 July, 2022. Commenting on the release, Jillian Delaney, Statistician in the Prices Division, said: “Prices in several food categories produced by Irish manufacturers were significantly higher in June 2022 compared to the same month last year. Some of the most notable annual increases were: Dairy products 49.1%Meat and meat products 14.5%Grain milling, starches and animal feeds 11.7%Food…
Ireland emissions debate
Agriculture/Livestock News
Double-standard at play in Ireland’s emissions debate – ICMSA
Pat McCormack, president of The Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers’ Association (ICMSA), has commented on the “brazen double-standard at play in Ireland’s emissions debate”. There is, he says, a “deafening silence” when it comes to aviation emissions in comparison to the fixation on farming.   Mr McCormack added that the silence was “even more deafening when contrasted with the non-stop hectoring and criticism directed at farming in general and dairy farming,…
farm safety
Agriculture/Livestock News
Minister announces investment in farm safety
Martin Heydon, T.D, Minister of State with responsibility for Farm Safety at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, last week announced the provision of funding to Teagasc for the procurement of 18 farm machinery simulators for use in agricultural colleges. Making the announcement Minister Heydon said: “My priority is the health, safety and wellbeing of our farmers, and this investment of over €1.25 million in 18 agricultural machinery…
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 01/02/2023
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 25/07/2022
Monday’s selected Cattle Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. CO 300-400KG Avg Price/KgFR 1.16/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:FR, 395kg 1.42/kg 560.00FR, 365kg 1.29/kg 470.00FR, 345kg 1.13/kg 390.00FR, 335kg 0.81/kg 270.00 CO 400-500KG Avg Price/KgFR 1.11/kgFRX 1.55/kgSIX 1.84/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SIX, 485kg 2.04/kg 990.00FRX, 495kg 2.04/kg 1010.00FRX, 490kg 1.92/kg 940.00SIX, 455kg 1.65/kg 750.00FRX, 490kg 1.47/kg 720.00FRX, 485kg 1.46/kg 710.00 CO 500-600KG Avg Price/KgAAX 1.54/kgFR 1.52/kgFRX 1.44/kgHEX 1.76/kgJEX 1.31/kgLMX 2.18/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LMX, 515kg 2.29/kg 1180.00LMX,…
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 30/11/2022
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 25/07/2022
Monday’s selected Sheep Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. SH 30-40KG Avg Price/KgSH 2.78/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SH, 38kg 3.08/kg 117.00SH, 39kg 3.05/kg 119.00SH, 39kg 3/kg 117.00SH, 37kg 2.97/kg 110.00SH, 37kg 2.97/kg 110.00SH, 36kg 2.97/kg 107.00 SH 40-50KG Avg Price/KgSH 2.94/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SH, 46kg 3.28/kg 151.00SH, 46kg 3.22/kg 148.00SH, 46kg 3.20/kg 147.00SH, 47kg 3.17/kg 149.00SH, 41kg 3.15/kg 129.00SH, 46kg 3.11/kg 143.00 SH 50-60KG Avg Price/KgSH 2.82/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SH, 54kg 3.22/kg 174.00SH, 50kg…
North Sligo Agricultural Show competitions
Agriculture/Livestock News
North Sligo Agricultural Show 2022
The North Sligo Agricultural Show will host its 74th event this year at the Grange, County Sligo. The annual happening will be held on Saturday, 30 July, 2022. Each year the Committee tries to cater for their extensive groups and spectators and exhibitors by putting together the best displays possible. For the morning of The North Sligo Agricultural Show 2022 a programme comprising of cattle, sheep, horses, ponies, poultry, and home industry…
anaerobic digestion
Agriculture/Livestock News
Anaerobic digestion plant under construction
A pilot-scale anaerobic digestion plant currently under construction at Teagasc Grange is due to be commissioned this year. The plant will produce biogas using grass silage and cattle slurry. Anaerobic digestion is a multi-step process whereby organic waste and residues are converted into biogas by a group of microorganisms in an anaerobic environment. Biogas could be used as any of the three energy vectors – electricity, transport and heat. In…
grain prices
Agriculture/Livestock News
Strong export demand for European wheat
While MATIF Dec 22 wheat prices recovered earlier last week on the back of strong export demand for European wheat, native grain prices increased but will likely finish on a similar note to the previous week, according to the IFA. The prospect of a deal being signed on 22 July, 2022 for grain export corridors in the Black Sea has re-exerted downward pressure on MATIF markets. On Wednesday 20 July,…
Notifications for Checks by Monitoring CbM Protein Aid Scheme Straw Incorporation Measure
Agriculture/Livestock News
Protein and Straw schemes – notifications for CbM now issuing
Notifications for Checks by Monitoring (CbM) under the 2022 Protein Aid Scheme and the Straw Incorporation Measure are now issuing. More updates are anticipated in the next few months. This was announced by Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Charlie McConalogue on Thursday, 21 July 2022. Checks by Monitoring is an ongoing automated use of satellite and other data sources to check agricultural activity on all land parcels declared…
Plumbridge Livestock Sales
Agriculture/Livestock News
Plumbridge Livestock Sales – On-Farm Retirement Machinery Sale – 29/07
Plumbridge Livestock Sales will hold an on-farm retirement machinery auction via LSL Auctions on Friday 29 July, 2022, at 7pm. This will be at 5 Creeduff Road, Killen, Castlederg, BT81 7TE, for Mr Caldwell Smyth who has sold his farm. Genuine well-kept machinery and tools being sold for no fault. Online bidding available (subject to coverage). Viewing from 2pm on day of sale. Items include: 2011 Massey Ferguson 5455 c/w…
beef trade
Agriculture/Livestock News
Beef trade steady; lamb supplies tighten – IFA
The beef trade steadied this week with some signs of strengthening, according to IFA Livestock chairman Brendan Golden.   He said supplies of finished cattle are tight and demand in our key export markets is good. Factories are anxious for cattle and paying 10c to 20c/kg above quotes to close out deals. In addition, factories are paying €4.80-5.00kg for steers and €4.85-5.05kg for heifers. Y bulls R/U are making €4.70-5.05kg while…
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 16/02/2023
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 22/07/2022
Friday’s selected Cattle Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. SC 400-500KG Avg Price/KgLMX 2.00/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LMX, 485kg 2.14/kg 1040.00LMX, 460kg 1.85/kg 850.00 SC 600-700KG Avg Price/KgBBX 2.52/kgLM 2.54/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LM, 660kg 2.70/kg 1780.00BBX, 695kg 2.68/kg 1860.00LM, 625kg 2.53/kg 1580.00LM, 695kg 2.40/kg 1670.00AAX, 650kg 2.38/kg 1550.00BBX, 690kg 2.36/kg 1630.00 SC 700-800KG Avg Price/KgCHX 2.81/kgLM 2.48/kgLMX 2.56/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:CHX, 760kg 2.93/kg 2230.00LM, 760kg 2.86/kg 2170.00LMX, 715kg 2.85/kg 2040.00LMX, 725kg 2.83/kg 2050.00LMX, 710kg…
Pig welfare
Agriculture/Livestock News
Pig welfare inspections aim to identify risk factors
Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM), Pippa Hackett updated the Seanad last week regarding pig welfare inspections and commercial pig farms in Ireland. This was during a Green Party motion on animal welfare. The minister commented that the DAFM had implemented several specific actions over the last two years to progress full implementation of the pig welfare directive. “Since 2020, the DAFM has…
winter barley
Agriculture/Livestock News
Growers should analyse performance of winter barley crop
With the winter barley harvest almost wrapped up, growers should make a point of recording all the details of the experience to analyse performance while the memory is fresh. While some of the later-harvested crops yielded well, many of the earlier-harvested crop performed very poorly. Where crops were poor, try to figure out why this happened from listening to reports from around the country, advises Teagasc Tillage Specialist Shay Phelan.…
fire risk
Agriculture/Livestock News
Farmers must take steps to manage fire risk
With the recent dry weather significantly increasing the risk of fires on tillage farms, Teagasc Tillage Specialist Shay Phelan advises farmers to put measures in place to be able to prevent and extinguish fires if they occur. All fields, including grass fields and hedges where there is dead or decaying material has the potential to burn if the conditions are right. 10 ways to manage the fire risk: Make sure…
Farmers sheep shearing supports
Agriculture/Livestock News
Sheep farmers need support to counter huge shearing costs – IFA
The Irish Farmers’ Association’s (IFA) national sheep committee chair Kevin Comiskey has highlighted the fact that weeks have passed since the Wool Feasibility Study was published, yet farmers are entering another clipping season without any government support. As such, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine and Minister of State Pippa Hackett has been called on to support sheep farmers in combatting the enormous cost of shearing. The study recommended…
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 26/01/2023
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 21/07/2022
Thursday’s selected Cattle Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. DC 500-600KG Highest Price/Kg Lots:LMX, 555kg 1.42/kg 790.00FR, 505kg 1.15/kg 580.00 DC 600-700KG Avg Price/KgAAX 2.18/kgCHX 2.28/kgLMX 2.25/kgSIX 2.48/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SIX, 615kg 2.72/kg 1670.00SIX, 605kg 2.69/kg 1630.00SIX, 680kg 2.56/kg 1740.00LMX, 630kg 2.46/kg 1550.00BBX, 675kg 2.46/kg 1660.00CHX, 680kg 2.44/kg 1660.00 DC 700-800KG Avg Price/KgCHX 2.44/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:CHX, 750kg 2.51/kg 1880.00SIX, 710kg 2.45/kg 1740.00HEX, 705kg 2.40/kg 1690.00CHX, 770kg 2.38/kg 1830.00PTX, 710kg 2.34/kg 1660.00AUX,…
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 17/12/2022
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 21/07/2022
Thursday’s selected Sheep Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. SHEEP 20-30KG Avg Price/KgSHEEP 2.96/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SHEEP, 28kg 3.25/kg 91.00SHEEP, 29kg 3.18/kg 92.00SHEEP, 22kg 2.86/kg 63.00SHEEP, 28kg 2.79/kg 78.00SHEEP, 24kg 2.69/kg 66.00 SHEEP 30-40KG Avg Price/KgSHEEP 2.91/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SHEEP, 34kg 3.18/kg 108.00SHEEP, 33kg 3.17/kg 104.00SHEEP, 36kg 3.17/kg 114.00SHEEP, 37kg 3.16/kg 116.00SHEEP, 30kg 3.14/kg 95.00SHEEP, 30kg 3.13/kg 94.00 SHEEP 40-50KG Avg Price/KgSHEEP 2.81/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SHEEP, 44kg 3.20/kg 141.00SHEEP, 45kg 3.18/kg 142.00SHEEP, 46kg…
Kilmacanogue show
Agriculture/Livestock News
Kilmacanogue Horse Show welcomes competitors of all abilities
The Kilmacanogue Horse Show will be hosted at the Enniskerry Horse Farm in Monastery, Enniskerry, by kind permission of Mary and Syl Fenelon Bourke. This 50th anniversary version of the event will take place on 23 July, 2022. The Kilmacanogue Show is a great local institution and welcomes competitors of all abilities. It has a great following amongst the riding schools and clubs in the area.  The organisers look forward to welcoming…
organic farming
Agriculture/Livestock News
New organic farming rates proposed
Senator Pippa Hackett, the Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, yesterday announced proposed new enhanced rates for farmers participating in the organic farming scheme. These are subject to approval by the European Commission as part of the ongoing discussions on approval of Ireland’s CAP Strategic Plan, and would apply from 1 January, 2023. Announcing the new rates the Minister said: “The budget proposed for…
Met Éireann
Agriculture/Livestock News
Potato market report – 20 July, 2022
Home consumption and retail sales have taken a hit over the past week due to soaring temperatures. But Met Éireann predicts cooler temperatures at the weekend. According to the Irish Farmers’ Association, queens continue to be lifted in the north east and volumes are now available in retailers. Again, sales took a hit last week but cooler temperatures forecast should improve this. Crops are very dry due to the high…
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 12/09/2022
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 20/07/2022
Wednesday’s selected Cattle Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. DRYCOW-F 500-600KG Avg Price/KgBBX 3.13/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:BBX, 595kg 3.16/kg 1880.00HEX, 595kg 3.16/kg 1880.00SIX, 595kg 3.13/kg 1860.00BBX, 595kg 3.09/kg 1840.00AAX, 595kg 2.59/kg 1540.00AA, 515kg 1.83/kg 940.00 DRYCOW-F 600-700KG Highest Price/Kg Lots:LMX, 640kg 2.92/kg 1870.00BBX, 625kg 2.38/kg 1490.00AAX, 650kg 1.77/kg 1150.00 DRYCOW-F 700-800KG Highest Price/Kg Lots:SIX, 740kg 2.39/kg 1770.0BBX, 705kg 2.30/kg 1620.00 HEIFER-F 300-400KG Avg Price/KgLMX 2.37/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LMX, 387kg 2.43/kg 940.00LMX, 380kg…
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 20/07/2022
Agriculture/Livestock News
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 20/07/2022
Wednesday’s selected Sheep Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. LB 30-40KG Avg Price/KgLB 2.74/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LB, 39kg 3.21/kg 125.00LB, 35kg 3.14/kg 110.00LB, 38kg 3.03/kg 115.00LB, 39kg 2.97/kg 116.00LB, 39kg 2.92/kg 114.00LB, 34kg 2.68/kg 91.00 LB 40-50KG Avg Price/KgLB 3.12/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LB, 41kg 3.34/kg 137.00LB, 44kg 3.27/kg 144.00LB, 46kg 3.24/kg 149.00LB, 43kg 3.23/kg 139.00LB, 44kg 3.23/kg 142.00LB, 46kg 3.22/kg 148.00 LB 50-60KG Avg Price/KgLB 2.86/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LB, 50kg 2.96/kg 148.00LB, 51kg…
gas emissions
Agriculture/Livestock News
Emissions cuts for farmers still to be finalized
Ireland is committed to halving greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, and net zero emissions by 2050. The Government has agreed to a carbon budget in the lead up to 2030, but as yet, details have not been agreed for farming. Minister for the Environment Eamon Ryan has confirmed that legally binding targets for emissions cuts will be signed off before the end of July, 2022. He comments that this “is…
biomethane tractor
Agriculture/Livestock News
Biomethane tractor offers alternative to diesel
New Holland’s biomethane T6.180 tractor, revealed at the recent Balmoral Show, is reportedly the first of its kind in Ireland. The model offers Irish farmers an alternative to diesel-fuelled tractor models. With the price of diesel up 40% in a year, this biomethane version attracted a fair amount of attention. It is as powerful as its diesel counterpart, but reduces running costs up to 30%. The new tractor is modelled…