Agriculture/Livestock News

Champion Weanling Bull Calf Takes Centre Stage at Cootehill Mart this Friday, 6th October

Champion Weanling Bull Calf Takes Centre Stage at Cootehill Mart this Friday, 6th October

This Friday evening, 6th October, Cootehill Mart becomes the focal point for livestock enthusiasts and professionals as it hosts the next Weanling Bull Calf show and sale from 7pm. The event, renowned for showcasing some of the region’s premium stock, is set to attract a myriad of shippers, farmers, and feeders, all with a keen eye for quality and a robust appetite for top-tier livestock.

To participate in the auction and place a bid, click on the following link to register. CLICK HERE!

The weanling bull calves, meticulously bred and carefully raised by dedicated regional farmers, stand as a testament to the high-quality stock the area produces. These animals, notable for their health and vitality, are expected to draw significant attention and ignite competitive bidding among attendees.

For those looking to secure a spot at this anticipated event, bookings are available through telephone at 0861790929. The evening promises not only a display of superior livestock but also an opportunity for buyers to invest in animals that embody optimal breeding conditions and genetic traits.

The atmosphere at Cootehill Mart is expected to be charged with anticipation as bidders, armed with their bidder numbers, engage in a spirited auction to secure their preferred stock. The telephone lines, too, will be active, connecting remote participants to the live action on the auction floor.

The event is not merely a transactional occasion but a reflection of the hard work and expertise of the farmers. Each calf, showcasing well-developed musculature and a healthy demeanour, represents the optimal conditions and care provided by its breeders. The ensuing bids are a nod to the perceived value and potential of these calves, as buyers aim to enhance their herds with superior genetic traits.

Shippers, farmers, and feeders each bring their unique perspective and objectives to the event. Shippers evaluate the calves for potential markets and profitability, while farmers seek to enhance their herds with calves that exhibit superior genetic traits. Feeders, with a focus on nutrition and animal care, identify calves that promise optimal growth and return on investment.

The sale, a crucial part of the evening, will see the auctioneer’s gavel fall multiple times, marking new beginnings for the calves and their new owners. Each bid and subsequent sale underscore the value and potential seen in these animals, as they transition to new pastures and purposes.

Cootehill Mart provides a platform that goes beyond trade, serving as a venue where experiences are shared, relationships are built, and the future of livestock breeding is moulded. While the digital age continues to introduce new trading methodologies, the traditional livestock auction maintains its unique charm and function, unbridled by the advancements of technology.

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