Agriculture/Livestock News

An Exciting Thursday Sale at Ballymote Mart, 3rd August

An Exciting Thursday Sale at Ballymote Mart, 3rd August

This upcoming Thursday, 3rd August, marks a particularly unique occasion at Ballymote Mart. For the first time, an exquisite Simmental weanling heifer is going under the hammer, demonstrating an opportunity for agricultural enthusiasts and livestock investors not to be missed.

To participate in the auctions and place a bid, click on the following link to register. CLICK HERE!

The heifer, a prime example of the Simmental breed, known for its versatility and robust growth, has garnered significant interest in the farming community. Boasting impressive physical attributes, this weanling is sure to attract buyers who appreciate the breed’s celebrated qualities.

But this isn’t all Ballymote Mart has to offer for this Thursday’s sale. A second calver cow, accompanied by a robust bull calf, is also up for bidding. The mother cow has been back in calf for two weeks to the PBR Simmental stock bull, a trait that many potential investors might find valuable. Nevertheless, buyers are kindly reminded there is no guarantee on this.

The auction event will unfold in the familiar setting of Ballymote Mart. In an effort to adapt to the current technological landscape, online bidding will also be made available via the LSL app. This hybrid format is aimed at ensuring participation is as broad and as inclusive as possible.

Ballymote Mart invites potential buyers to register in advance for online bidding. Enquiries can be made to the mart office on 071 9183364, where the friendly staff are available to answer any questions.

Mark the date, 3rd August, and be ready for an exciting Thursday sale at Ballymote Mart. It promises to be a gathering not just of livestock, but of the community’s agricultural passion and dedication.

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