Agriculture/Livestock News

Excitement Builds for Tomorrow’s Lauri O’ Kane & Son Draperstown Livestock Market Event

Draperstown Livestock Market

With great anticipation, Lauri O’ Kane & Son Draperstown Livestock Market braces for a lively event on June 17, 2023. The reputable establishment, based in Northern Ireland, is set to be a hub of agricultural excitement, featuring an enviable selection of livestock that is bound to attract attention from across the nation.

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Taking centre stage at the event will be SIX 2nd calvers, each robust in stature and accompanied by their healthy calves. Tenderly nurtured by a local farmer, these highly promising breeds are set to be the talk of the event, capturing the keen interest of experienced farmers and novice attendees alike.

Beyond the captivating spectacle of the 2nd calvers, a super 3rd calver, again brought forward by a local farmer, will be up for grabs. Renowned for their reliable breeding record and high-quality offspring, the inclusion of a 3rd calver will only add to the already high expectations for the event.

Adding to the potpourri of high-grade livestock, the event will also feature strong Belgian Blue heifers. Known for their premium meat quality and impressive muscle growth, their presence further testifies to the high standards upheld at the Lauri O’ Kane & Son Draperstown Livestock Market.

In a nod to modern convenience, the event will extend beyond the auction grounds to online platforms, with bidding facilitated through the LSL Auctions App. This digital integration offers potential buyers across the country the chance to partake in the excitement, blending the timeless tradition of livestock auctions with today’s digital ease.

As we look forward to the June 17 event at Lauri O’ Kane & Son Draperstown Livestock Market, we are reminded of the thriving livestock industry, the unwavering dedication of local farmers, and the crucial role such markets play in linking buyers to top-quality livestock.

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