Agriculture/Livestock News

Upcoming Auction at Tullamore Mart on Monday, 7th August: 14 Young Limx Cows Incalf to Charolais and Limousin Bulls

Upcoming Auction at Tullamore Mart on Monday, 7th August: 14 Young Limx Cows Incalf to Charolais and Limousin Bulls

Tullamore Mart is all set to host an exciting auction on Monday, August 7th, featuring a remarkable selection of 14 young Limx cows. These exceptional cows are all Incalf to Charolais and Limousin bulls, offering an excellent opportunity for farmers and livestock enthusiasts to enhance their herds with top-quality breeding prospects.

To participate in the auctions and place a bid, click on the following link to register. CLICK HERE!

The auction comes at a time of significant change in the farming system, where careful breeding and selection are vital for optimizing productivity and sustainability. Tullamore Mart is proud to present this genuine sale of cows, providing a platform for buyers to acquire prized livestock that will undoubtedly make a positive impact on their farming ventures.

The Limousin and Charolais breeds are highly regarded for their exceptional genetic traits, known for producing robust and healthy offspring with excellent growth potential. Farmers looking to improve the overall quality of their herds will find these Incalf cows to be a valuable addition.

The auction will be conducted via LSL Auctions, enabling prospective buyers from various locations to participate in the bidding process seamlessly. Whether you are attending the auction in person or participating through the online bidding system, Tullamore Mart ensures a transparent and efficient auction experience for all.

The young Limx cows are all Incalf from August onwards, making them ready to contribute to their new owner’s breeding programs immediately. Lot numbers 1 to 14 have been carefully selected to represent the best available choices, each cow showcasing superior traits that make them attractive prospects for any cattle farmer.

The expertise of Tullamore Mart in organizing livestock auctions ensures that both buyers and sellers can expect a professionally conducted event, where transparency and fair pricing are upheld. With the chance to acquire exceptional Incalf cows, farmers have the opportunity to elevate the genetic potential of their herds and set the stage for improved productivity and success in the future.

The upcoming auction at Tullamore Mart promises to be a remarkable event for cattle farmers and livestock enthusiasts. The offering of 14 young Limx cows Incalf to Charolais and Limousin bulls presents a golden opportunity for anyone seeking to enhance their breeding programs and embrace positive change in their farming systems. Be sure to register and participate in the online bidding through LSL Auctions to secure your chance at bringing home these prized cows and making a significant investment in the future of your farm.

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