Agriculture/Livestock News

An Exciting Event: High-Quality Heifers for Auction at Gortatlea Mart This Friday 30th June

An Exciting Event: High-Quality Heifers for Auction at Gortatlea Mart This Friday 30th June

Gortatlea Mart is set to host a prestigious event this Friday, 30th June. In a sale that promises to attract an audience of both local farmers and international cattle breeders, two magnificent pedigree-registered heifers, classified as 4 and 5 stars, will be under the hammer.

To participate in the auctions and place a bid, click on the following link to register. CLICK HERE!

The prized incalf heifers have been meticulously bred and prepared for a late summer calving, due in August. These young cattle have been carefully sired by the illustrious AI sires, HE5467 and AIHE4105, ensuring that their offspring carry forward their admirable genetic traits.

Such events at Gortatlea Mart provide the perfect opportunity for farmers to upgrade their herds with elite livestock, while fostering an atmosphere of camaraderie amongst the farming community. With these heifers’ high genetic merit, they are expected to make significant contributions to the improvement of cattle stock across the region.

These two top-tier incalf heifers’ auction will be managed via the LSL Auctions App, an innovative digital platform streamlining the buying and selling process in the livestock sector. Registrations are currently open, with the online bidding system allowing buyers, both domestic and overseas, to participate remotely. This digital convenience offers a level of participation beyond geographical boundaries, bringing the rural heart of Ireland’s livestock trade to a global audience.

This exciting event is an essential date for all involved in the livestock industry. Those looking to bid on these prime heifers should prepare for a competitive event. Their pedigree registration and high-star ranking, combined with an August calving to revered AI sires, make them a highly sought-after asset, capable of providing a strong foundation for future breeding programmes.

This is an opportunity not to be missed for those seeking to invest in livestock of superior genetic merit. So, mark your calendars for this Friday, 30th June, and prepare to partake in this outstanding auction event at Gortatlea Mart.

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