Agriculture/Livestock News

Monthly Dairy Sale at Omagh Mart: Special Entry of 14 Freshly Calved AI Bred Heifers

Monthly Dairy Sale at Omagh Mart: Special Entry of 14 Freshly Calved AI Bred Heifers

Omagh Mart is gearing up for an eagerly awaited Monthly Dairy Sale, set to take place on Monday, the 22nd of May, at 2:30 pm in Ring 3. This month’s sale boasts a special entry of 14 freshly calved AI bred heifers, promising a unique opportunity for dairy farmers to enhance their herds.

To participate in this auction and place a bid, click on the following link to register. CLICK HERE!

The star attractions of this sale are the 14 heifers that have recently calved and were bred using artificial insemination (AI) techniques. These heifers possess remarkable genetics and hold the potential to significantly improve milk production and breed quality within any existing herd. With such desirable traits, these AI bred heifers are sure to attract considerable attention from discerning buyers.

One of the key highlights of this event is the incorporation of online bidding through the LSL Auctions App. This feature allows dairy farmers from far and wide to participate in the sale, even if they are unable to attend the physical auction at Omagh Mart. The convenience of online bidding opens up doors for a wider range of potential buyers and ensures a more competitive and dynamic sales environment.

The organizers of the Monthly Dairy Sale have gone to great lengths to curate a selection of top-quality heifers for this event. Each animal has been meticulously assessed for health, genetics, and overall condition. This ensures that both buyers and sellers can have confidence in the quality of the livestock being presented.

For dairy farmers seeking to enhance their herds and improve breed performance, the Monthly Dairy Sale at Omagh Mart is an unmissable opportunity. With the special entry of 14 freshly calved AI bred heifers, both in-person and online bidders can look forward to an exciting and competitive auction. Mark your calendars for Monday, the 22nd of May, and don’t miss out on the chance to acquire these exceptional animals for your dairy farming endeavors.

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