Agriculture/Livestock News

High-Quality Breeding Heifers Available at Garnard Mart Sale today, 17th May

High-Quality Breeding Heifers Available at Granard Mart Sale

Granard Mart is set to host an exciting auction on Wednesday, May 17th, featuring a remarkable selection of seven breeding heifers. These impressive heifers, weighing approximately 500 kilograms each, have undergone rigorous scanning procedures, with the majority of them achieving exceptional 4 and 5-star ratings. In addition to these outstanding heifers, a pedigree Limousin heifer born in the spring of 2022 will also be included. All of these prized animals are homebred, ensuring their top-notch quality and genetic heritage. With the convenience of online bidding through the LSL Auctions App, this sale offers a prime opportunity for farmers and breeders to acquire top-tier breeding stock.

To participate in this auction and place a bid, click on the following link to register. CLICK HERE!

The Breeding Heifers Elite Selection

The breeding heifers entered for the Granard Mart sale have been meticulously chosen for their exceptional characteristics. Each heifer boasts an average weight of 500 kilograms, indicating their robustness and potential for future growth. Moreover, their impressive scanning results, mostly achieving 4 and 5-star ratings, speak volumes about their genetic superiority. These results indicate the likelihood of producing high-quality offspring with desirable traits, making them ideal for breeding purposes.

Pedigree Limousin Heifer

Among the impressive lineup of breeding heifers is a standout pedigree Limousin heifer. Born in the spring of 2022, this heifer represents a valuable addition to any breeding program. With the Limousin breed known for its excellent meat quality and growth rates, this heifer presents a unique opportunity to enhance the genetic diversity of livestock herds.

Homebred Excellence

A significant advantage of the Granard Mart sale is that all the breeding heifers available are homebred. This means that their lineage and genetic backgrounds can be easily traced, ensuring buyers of their authenticity and quality. Homebred animals often carry the advantage of favorable traits passed down through generations, offering breeders the potential to achieve consistent and predictable results in their breeding programs.

Online Bidding via LSL Auctions App

To make the auction accessible to a wider audience, Granard Mart has partnered with LSL Auctions, providing a seamless online bidding experience through their user-friendly app. This digital platform enables potential buyers from across the country to participate in the auction remotely, eliminating geographical constraints and expanding the opportunity for breeders and farmers to secure these exceptional breeding heifers.

The Granard Mart sale on Wednesday, May 17th, presents an excellent opportunity for those seeking high-quality breeding heifers. The carefully selected lineup of seven heifers, with an average weight of 500 kilograms and impressive scanning results, promises exceptional genetic potential. Additionally, the inclusion of a pedigree Limousin heifer and the assurance of homebred excellence make this auction particularly enticing for breeders. By leveraging the user-friendly LSL Auctions App, interested buyers can conveniently participate in the auction from anywhere in the country. Don’t miss this chance to enhance your breeding program with these outstanding animals.

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