Agriculture/Livestock News

Exceptional Home-Bred Runners for Sale at Carnaross Mart on Monday, 10th April

Exceptional Home-Bred Runners for Sale at Carnaross Mart on Monday, 10th April

This bank holiday Monday, 10th April, 35 exceptional home-bred runners will be sold at Carnaross Mart. These magnificent animals are all home bred, and they are expected to attract a lot of attention from serious buyers.

The runners will be sold after the calves in ring 4, so it is important for potential buyers to be on time and ready to make their bids. Those who cannot attend in person can still participate in the auction by using the LSL Auctions App to bid online.

To participate in this auction and place a bid, click on the following link to register. CLICK HERE!

These runners are a rare breed of exceptional quality, and they have been carefully bred to ensure that they possess all of the desirable traits that discerning buyers look for in their livestock. They are healthy, strong, and well-fed, and they have been raised in a clean and comfortable environment.

Those who are looking for top-quality home-bred runners to add to their herds will not be disappointed with the selection that is being offered at Carnaross Mart. Each animal has been examined and evaluated to ensure that it meets the highest standards of excellence, and buyers can rest assured that they are getting the best of the best.

If you are interested in purchasing one of these outstanding runners, it is important to do your homework beforehand. Take the time to research the breed and the individual animals that are being sold, and make sure that you are prepared to make a competitive bid.

The runners that will be sold this bank holiday Monday at Carnaross Mart are a rare and exceptional breed that is sure to impress even the most discerning buyers. Whether you are attending in person or participating in the auction online, it is important to be prepared, do your research, and make a competitive bid for the animal that meets your needs and expectations.

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