Note that Carnew Mart’s monthly sale schedule has changed, and that calves will now be sold on a Friday starting the 27th January at 13:00.
Meanwhile today the venue is happy to host their Opening Dairy Sale – Thursday 26th January in Ring 2. It starts at 13:00.
The sale will include:
1) Selection Of Freshly Calved Heifers and Young Cows
2) 20 High EBI Heifers Due Feb 1st onwards to AA Bull
3) 10 High EBI Cows Due to the HE & AA from 1st March(Milk recorded AI bred herd)
4)30 Head of top quality heifers on the point of calving (To FRX)
Milk Recorded Herd, 2022 AV 5500 L @ 500 KGMS
The mart is also hosting an IFA Dairy Calf Information Meeting – see the details below.
All Sales Ringside and Online Via LSL.
For all enquirers contact 053 942 6234 or 087 992 2868.
Register to bid here.