
Organic Strategy Forum tasked with improving the sector 

The Organic Strategy Forum held its inaugural meeting earlier this week, which focused on an overview of the Irish organic sector with presentations from DAFM; Teagasc; Bord Bia; and Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM).

The stakeholder group has been tasked with driving the growth of the organic sector. With 24 members of the forum, chaired by former Bord Bia director, Padraig Brennan, the body includes representatives from the farming and food processing sector, organic certification bodies and state agencies.  

In 2021, there were 90,000ha under organic production, up from 74,000ha in the previous year. The number of producers rose from 1,777 to 1,968 last year. Last year, almost 5,300ha was used to produce organic cereals, pulses, and oats, while 586ha produced organic vegetables, potatoes and fruit. Added to these figures, 62,000 cattle were in organic enterprises, including 4,736 dairy cows. There were over 166,000 broilers and layers in organic poultry operations. 

Bord Bia told the meeting that an organic branding package or toolkit is due to be rolled out to major multiple retailers next month. This aims to help supermarkets to promote Irish organic produce. 

Meanwhile Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Senator Pippa Hackett has welcomed the inaugural meeting. The Minister additionally noted that the immediate focus of the forum will be the continued implementation of the National Organic Strategy 2025.It was encouraging to hear that there was strong consensus that there is huge untapped opportunity for the sector both in Ireland and internationally but that availing of these will require the right level of supports and innovation,” the Minister concluded. 

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