
DAFM to set-up National Fertiliser Database 

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine is addressing concerns regarding rising fertiliser costs by establishing a National Fertiliser Database. DAFM has confirmed that it held its first meeting with its Stakeholder Consultative Committee this week. The committee consists of representatives from the fertiliser industry, fertiliser retailers agricultural contractors, farm organisations, Teagasc and The Agricultural Consultants Association (ACA). 

This forms part of the process of introducing a National fertiliser database, which is expected to be compiled over the next few weeks, with further meetings to be held in this regard. The DAFM says the establishment of the database will be critical to facilitating timely farmer payments under Ireland’s proposed eco-scheme. The department adds that it will also allow Ireland to meet its commitments to the European Commission which has recently reviewed the Nitrates Action Programme and the extension of Ireland’s Nitrates Derogation.  

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue says “in establishing this stakeholder committee, my department’s objective is to facilitate communication with the relevant stakeholders, to allow us keep them informed, but more importantly to obtain and respond to their views and suggestions as we develop a practical system for data gathering and sharing.”

He adds that the proposed legislation sets out high level provisions, however, it leaves scope for the department to tailor these. McConalogue claims that he is seeking to identify how this will best work in a simple manner for all the stakeholders involved.  

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