Built Heritage Investment Scheme also seeks to add to job creation 
A new project has been launched that includes the restoration of heritage projects across Ireland. The project known as the Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS), will see the preservation of 512 heritage projects across 31 local authorities. Funding for the initiative is said to be €4 million which is expected to be shared between the properties and will additionally lead to job creation in the industry.   Minister for Heritage and…
Agriculture Africa
Africa beckons with AADP grants for Irish agri-food firms
The Africa Agri-Food Development Programme (AADP) has been supporting Irish firms to participate in business in Africa for the last 10 years. Now, grants capped at €250,000 are available to Irish agri-food companies to initiate new markets there. Companies of all sizes are eligible to apply for grant funding.  The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) are collaborating for the venture.…
Call for EU Commission to be flexible regarding gas prices
With the unprecedented increases in global gas prices, Ireland South MEP Sean Kelly says the EU commission should show flexibility in this regard. As this has placed strain on Irish households, the MEP says that the body should include aid rules for domestic energy production, due to lower income groups feeling the most pressure. The MEP, who is a member of member of the European Parliament’s Industry, Research and Energy…
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 21/03/2022
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 21/03/2022
Monday’s selected Sheep Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. SHEEP 20-30KG Avg Price/KgSHEEP 2.48/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SHEEP, 22kg 7.35/kg 158.00SHEEP, 25kg 2.93/kg 72.00SHEEP, 29kg 2.86/kg 82.00SHEEP, 28kg 2.79/kg 79.00SHEEP, 29kg 2.73/kg 80.00SHEEP, 28kg 2.70/kg 75.00 SHEEP 30-40KG Avg Price/KgSHEEP 2.63/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SHEEP, 32kg 4.58/kg 148.00SHEEP, 37kg 3.51/kg 130.00SHEEP, 32kg 3.38/kg 110.00SHEEP, 34kg 3.33/kg 115.00SHEEP, 38kg 3.30/kg 125.00SHEEP, 34kg 3.19/kg 110.00 SHEEP 40-50KG Avg Price/KgSHEEP 2.68/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:SHEEP, 45kg 3.47/kg 156.00SHEEP, 48kg…
Cattle Prices
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 21/03/2022
Monday’s selected Cattle Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. WN 300-400KG Avg Price/KgAAX 2.12/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:CHX, 300kg 2.47/kg 740.00LMX, 325kg 2.46/kg 800.00AAX, 397kg 2.27/kg 900.00AAX, 325kg 1.97/kg 640.00FRX, 365kg 1.81/kg 660.00SH, 385kg 1.79/kg 690.00 CO 300-400KG Avg Price/KgFR 1.33/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:FR, 385kg 1.69/kg 650.00LMX, 365kg 1.07/kg 390.00FR, 370kg 0.97/kg 360.00 CO 400-500KG Avg Price/KgFR 1.56/kgFRX 1.21/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:FR, 470kg 2.09/kg 980.00SIX, 440kg 2.05/kg 900.00FR, 485kg 2.02/kg 980.00HEX, 485kg 1.88/kg 910.00FR,…
Property price
Residential Property Price Index January 2022
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) published the Residential Property Price Index (RPPI) for January 2022 last week. Reviewing the figures, statistician Viacheslav Voronovich comments that: “Residential property prices rose by 14.8% in the 12 months to January 2022, up from 14.3% in December 2021. In Dublin, residential property prices saw an increase of 13.3%, while property prices outside Dublin were 16% higher.” “In Dublin, house prices increased by 13.6% and…
Dairy products
Rabobank forecasts good upcoming results for dairy
Rabobank’s most recent Global Dairy Quarterly indicates that milk prices could hold at current high levels through the first half of this year. It predicts that production for the first quarter of 2022 in the world’s major exporting regions will fall by 0.7% compared to 2021. Rising input costs, labour shortages and unfavourable weather in some areas have limited farmers’ ability to take advantage of the current high prices by…
Small recovery of UK sheepmeat exports earlier this year
UK exports of fresh and frozen sheepmeat staged a slight recovery in January this year. The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) said that figures from the HMRC show that exports of sheepmeat increased by 489 tonnes on the same period in 2021. Volumes during the month totalled just over 4,000 tonnes, which was 13% higher than year earlier levels the AHDB said. However, volumes were significantly below pre-Brexit levels in both…
Hazardous waste
Hazardous farm waste collection scheme planned
A new scheme will see hazardous farm waste collected from designated drop-off points across the country. This will include everything from empty pesticide containers, veterinary medicine waste and used oil. The venture will be overseen by the Department of Agriculture and the Department of the Environment, with discussions on the establishment of the scheme expected to commence in the first half of 2022. The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) waste management…
ICMSA calls for broader focus to Food Vision Group outcomes 
Concerns have been raised regarding the focus of the Food Vision Dairy Group. The group has been tasked with finding ways for the dairy sector to help achieve targets for agriculture and land use in the Climate Action Plan 2021. According to Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers’ Association’s (ICMSA) Dairy Committee Chair Noel Murphy, it is narrowly focused on dairying, which he adds is not good enough. He says that the group…
Pottinger launches latest Terrasam seed drills  
Pottinger has announced its latest range of trailed Terrasam seed drills in the form of the Terrasem V 8000 D and Terrasem V 9000 D, which are high end models. They are said to work in widths of 8m and 9m and are custom-equipped to handle site-specific conditions. According to Pottinger, the disc harrow is fitted as standard as the leading tillage tool, and makes the machine ideal for mulch…
DAFM closer to establishing a food ombudsman 
With various solutions under discussion addressing concerns regarding the increase of input costs in the farming sector, it appears as though the first steps in creating a food ombudsman appear to be in its infancy stage. According to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM), the office is a step closer to establishing it. Approval from Cabinet is expected on Tuesday, while Minister for Agriculture, Food and the…
Poultry farmers urged to consider renewable energy 
Renewable energy is a topic of discussion for poultry farmers, and Irish Farmers’ Association poultry chair Nigel Sweetnam has been the latest to join in on the debate. Sweetnam says that the current supports in place do not provide poultry farmers with a sufficient incentive to justify the upfront investment needed to install solar panels. A reverse metering system was suggested, whereby farmers could supply surplus electricity into the grid…
Bank of Ireland adjusts its mortgage rates this week
The Bank of Ireland has announced that it is cutting some of its mortgage rates. The move  comes after ICS Mortgages increased some of its key fixed rates earlier this past week, citing higher costs of wholesale funding – prompting fears that other lenders were to follow with rate rises. It is anticipated that The European Central Bank will raise its key lending rate by the end of 2022, while…
White clover
Benefits of white clover for grazing highlighted
Researchers have found that a plant related to clover, the white clover, can play an important role helping Ireland combat climate change. Scientists at VistaMilk agri-food research centre have announced that their studies indicate that planting clover in fields where cows graze can reduce the need for dairy farmers to use fertiliser by up to 40%. VistaMilk explains that planting clover in grassland reintroduces nitrogen into the soil naturally from…
St Declan’s Way steering committee hopes to engage with landowners
Crisscrossing some of the Ireland’s most picturesque areas, St Declan’s Way is often likened to Spain’s Camino de Santiago. To boost numbers using the ancient route, a series of briefing evenings on the pilgrimage path are being staged. Here the St Declan’s Way steering committee hopes to engage with landowners, tourism operators and community groups along the route. A new St. Declan’s Way map brochure and pilgrim passport is also…
EU Commissioner welcomes new proposals in agri-food sector 
Solutions to the current crisis facing the country regarding input costs are more than welcome, this is according to the European Commissioner on Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski. Additionally, the Commissioner says that he is not averse to the introduction of schemes regarding the production of grain and fodder, as this would maintain sustainability in the sector.   According to MEP Colm Markey, he met with the Commissioner earlier this week to…
Dip in sheep kill figures according to DAFM  
The latest sheep kill figures reported by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM), shows a decline in numbers for the week ending 12 March. The figure for each of the last four weeks is over the 50,000 head mark, however it is the fourth week in a row that throughput figures have dipped. DAFM confirms that last week’s figure stood at 51,730 sheep that were processed, indicating…
Applications for nitrate derogation extended by EU Commission 
“All farmers have an important role to play in protecting our environment particularly those farming intensively, and it is crucial that we protect and restore our waters as soon as possible to maintain the nitrates derogation at current levels into the future.” These are the words of Minister of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, who was speaking on the latest EU announcement that it has extended Ireland’s Nitrates…
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 05/08/2022
LSL Select Price Report – Cattle Mart 18/03/2022
Friday’s selected Cattle Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. BULLOCK-M 300-400KG Avg Price/KgLMX 2.55/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:CHX, 385kg 2.94/kg 1130.00LMX,SIX, 390kg 2.85/kg 1110.00LMX, 390kg 2.26/kg 880.00 BULLOCK-M 400-500KG Avg Price/KgCHX 2.47/kgHEX 2.30/kgLMX 2.57/kgSAX 2.39/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:CHX, 490kg 3.04/kg 1490.00LMX, 440kg 2.95/kg 1300.00CHX, 457kg 2.84/kg 1300.00CHX, 427kg 2.83/kg 1210.00LM,LMX, 488kg 2.83/kg 1380.00CHX, 455kg 2.81/kg 1280.00 BULLOCK-M 500-600KG Avg Price/KgCHX 2.71/kgHEX 2.37/kgLM 2.94/kgLMX 2.61/kgPTX 2.34/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:LM, 545kg 3.05/kg 1660.00CHX, 510kg 3.04/kg 1550.00LMX,…
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 18/03/2022
LSL Select Price Report – Sheep Mart 18/03/2022
Friday’s selected Sheep Mart Price Report: Copyright LSL Auctions. LB 30-40KG Avg Price/Kg2.85/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:, 38kg 3.12/kg 118.00, 35kg 3.00/kg 106.00, 36kg 2.96/kg 106.00, 39kg 2.95/kg 115.00, 35kg 2.83/kg 100.00, 36kg 2.82/kg 103.00 LB 40-50KG Avg Price/Kg3.10/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:, 46kg 3.38/kg 156.00, 46kg 3.34/kg 155.00, 45kg 3.33/kg 150.00, 46kg 3.25/kg 151.00, 45kg 3.24/kg 146.00, 46kg 3.24/kg 148.00 LB 50-60KG Avg Price/Kg2.79/kgHighest Price/Kg Lots:, 50kg 3.24/kg 163.00, 50kg 3.22/kg 161.00, 51kg…
Raymond Potterton – Glenidan, Collinstown, Co. Westmeath – 30/03
Raymond Potterton brings to auction via LSL Auctions a c. 26 Acres for sale by Live Auction on Wednesday 30 March, 2022.    Lot 1 Description: A superb intelligently developed non-residential farm in an excellent farming country.  The farm has been professionally fenced on its entire boundary and internally to facilitate paddock grazing. Excellent cattle handling facilities and over 300 meters of valuable road frontage with an unfailing natural water supply…
Councillor raises concerns amidst discussion on wind farms 
There appears to be some alarming concerns regarding the development and installation of wind farms. This as the Kerry County Council says that any future wind farm development should be built one kilometre from any residential property. But the Office of the Planning Regulator (OPR) says that the zoning methodology would have the potential to limit wind energy development.   The concerns stem from the submission of comments to the…
Residential investment biggest chunk of commercial real estate last year
A new report by Sherry Fitzgerald finds that institutional landlords invested more than €1.7bn in Ireland’s residential sector last year – mostly to forward fund the construction of apartments. As such, residential investment was the largest segment of commercial real estate in 2021, with 34% of funds going to buy or fund homes to rent. The figures show that there was €5bn in investment last year, with €1.5bn going to…
Kubota launches ‘Work Smarter’ tractor incentive scheme 
A new warranty incentive scheme has been launched by Kubota, known as the ‘Work Smarter’ upgrade. The package which is available to the M4003, M5002 and M6001 utility models will see an increase in the number of hours chosen by customers when purchasing a new tractor. The scheme will allow customers to benefit from an automatic upgrade of warranty hours under the Kubota Care scheme.   Kubota’s agricultural and ground…
Agenda of BovINE to move further afield as talks continue 
The Beef Innovation Network Europe (BovINE) will see further discussions on sustainability as it identifies areas of priority for its 2022 plan. As the project team for BovINE focuses on topics of crop and grassland measurements, farmers, advisors, organisations and researchers are expected to engage in further deliberations as they move beyond the current topics to assess matters further afield. According to BovINE, nine EU countries are to join project…