
Independent meat regulator needed for transparency in the supply chain

Irish beef

The importance of having an independent meat regulator has been noted by the Irish Beef and Lamb Association (IBLA). The group says that without it, issues within the food supply chain will continue, as the economic loss at farm gate level is affecting pig and poultry producers.

IBLA has come out stating that, “We have to question the current farming business models and particularly the lack of regulation in the entire meat industry.” The body warned that  these farm businesses can’t continue to function properly whilst paying their overheads.

IBLA requested that the food supply chain be rebalanced, in order to protect farmers as “the price returned to Irish producers is no longer sustainable”.

They pointed out that as 90% of produce is exported, the local retailer price point is not going to fix the problem.

In the IBLA’s view, the proposed powers of the new National Food Ombudsman will “not go far enough to bring about the long-awaited change that is needed to protect all primary producers now and in to the future. An independent meat regulator, that is properly equipped, can bring about transparency in the supply chain,” it said.

LSL News.
