
Dairygold rolls out pink bales for Irish Cancer Society

Farmers across Ireland are being encouraged to use the pink bale wrap across the summer in an effort to draw attention to the early detection of breast cancer.

Dairygold has paired up with the Irish Cancer Society as a ‘Pink Partner’ to encourage women all over rural Ireland to check themselves for early signs of breast cancer. 

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in Ireland, with an estimated 3,700 people diagnosed with the disease each year. Early detection is vital in giving the best chance of survival from the illness. 

Dairygold’s farmer members and farmers across Ireland are being asked to use the pink bale wrap across the summer in an effort to draw attention to the campaign.

Rosemary Simmons, national fundraising lead of the Irish Cancer Society said: “’Wrap It Pink’ plays a vital role in supporting the society’s early detection messaging and indeed funding innovative cancer research and services to those affected by breast cancer in Ireland.”

LSL News.
