
Beef price increase not enough to match the UK and EU markets

The IFA has strongly criticised factories for failing to reflect the current prices in the UK and EU markets.

Brendan Golden, IFA Livestock chairman, said prices paid by factories are not closing the gap with the Prime Export Benchmark Price which has increased by a further 4c to €3.87/kg.

The Prime Irish Price for the same period increased by 3c to €3.74/kg, leaving a gap of 13c/kg.

“Factories are dragging their heels in reflecting the true value of the market place and the 5c/kg weekly price increases are falling short of where the market is at,” Mr Golden claimed.

The IFA said the €3.85 and €3.90/kg being offered this week for steers and heifers is not reflective of the demand for beef and prices paid in our key export markets.

Mr Golden believes the base line must move to €4.00/kg to reflect the current prices in the UK and EC markets.

“Supermarket demand for beef will strengthen further for Easter with supplies extremely tight, factories must increase prices paid to farmers to bring them in line with the Bord Bia published Export Tracker price,” he added.

Mr Golden said winter finishers are experiencing a continual increase in production costs and beef must reflect this. 

The IFA believes part of the issue is the dominance of supermarkets in the market place and our increased dependency due to the closures of the food service sector which must be called out.

LSL News.
